Dear: Mum.

Dear Mum,
Thank you for everything...
For your love that never fails through the years since the first day you found out that I was in your womb.
For countless prayers you've said for me.
For the tears you hid from me, when I broke your heart.
For your smiles that always ease my pains and sadness.
For your tender whispers and counsels that always guide me through my life.
Thank you.
For more than twenty two years you have had me and never once regret it.

You are my dearest person.
The closest... the one, who knows whether I am in tears or smiling, even when we are thousands miles apart.

Happy birthday, Mum.
I pray to The Lord that He blesses you with abundant peace, joy, love and good health.
I love you, Mum.

It still amazes me how time flies so fast. Celebrating your birthday reminds me of last year, where I was able to go home and we, the whole family, celebrated your birthday together.
It brings smile to me everytime I think about how our surprise for you failed to be done. You found the hidden present so easily. No wonder... you are the housekeeper, the fixer, the chef, the Mum, you are everything...
I love you, Mum. Sorry for not being there for the second time of my life.
I hope it will still be a sweet birthday for you.


  1. so sweet... happy bday yah bwat ibunya Mbak Sher.. ADMnya abis ini aku posting ke blogfam :)

  2. happy new year Sher...
    taon baru, layout baru..keren bok..

    met ultah bwat Mamanya Sherly, smoga panjang umur, sehat slalu n' bnyk rezeki....

  3. indahhh bgttt poemna ;)
    happy birthday for ur mom say ^_^

  4. wah.....happy new year sist....
    happy birthday for your beloved mama
    salam yach ma mamanya sherly, moga panjang umur, jangan nakal yach sist ma mamanya kekekeke *ga enak loh klo dah ga punya ortu lagi*

  5. happy b'day buat mommy ya, Sher ;)) sampekan salam dari bigsistah-mu inih hahaha.

    MET TAHUN BARU 2006 juga ya, Sher, maap kalo daku jarang blogwalk sekarang inih.. oia midsist, setelah lilsist posting bagian ke 12.. sekarang giliran daku tah?


  6. Met ultah buat mama nya sherly, semoga sehat selalu yaaah ^_^

  7. hepi bday, tante...

    semoga tambah sabar sama anaknya yang "bandel" wakakakkakaka

  8. Met Ultah Buat Bunda nya y!! sukurilah dan berbaktilah kepada Bunda, selagi dia masih ada, karena kapan lagi kita bisa melihat ketegarannya melihat dan membimbing anak-anaknya yang bandel,
    Met ultah lagi y Buat Bunda


  10. Met ultah buat mamanya ya Sher..

    Met tahun baru jugaaaaaa...

    *cun cayank*

  11. ah.. i'm not gonne be near my mum juga pas dia ultah awal feb :(..

    yah anw... iyah doa ultah sayah menyertai maminya sherly.. smoga Tuhan berkati dia lebih.. Tuhan juga yang jaga dia dalam kesehariannya di mana segala yang dia perbuat diberkatin sama Dia...

  12. Happy b'day untuk mama elo ya Sher..:)

  13. hai sher, met ulang tahun buat mami mu yah, kangen nigh.... aku baru masuk hari ini.

  14. beuhhhhhh yang lagi kangen sama nyokap........gak papa lagi sher, kayanya nyokap bakal ngerti banged anaknya gak bisa pulang demi merajut cita-cita masa depan..(alah...!!)
    Eh gue baru tahu lo orang bali ya???

  15. Wuah...
    Pasti sang mama tercinta lg sneng2nya tuh ya Mba...^^

  16. Selamat ulang tahun ya but ibunya kak Sherly.. :D

    Kasih anak sepanjang masa. :D


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