Fallen Expectation

I managed to get myself out of bed on-time this morning, ready to go to Uni. I just ignored the headache so that I don't get bothered by it. Got in to the lecture room as the earliest attendant and was really looking forward to see the new girl person. One, two, three familiar faces came in as the lecture was about to start. Then, a completely unfamiliar face showed up. It was a BOY!!! My friend, Lan, who sat next to me instantly laughing after seeing my face expression. What?! Another boy?! Out of disbelief, it is true... he is the one, who my fried thought was a girl. Yeah... thanks to him, I put my hope high that the person would be a girl. Huhuhu...

So yeah... now it's even tougher for me. A girl competing with 11 boys. Just great and perfect. *Kali ini emang cocok ini posting bertopik "Perawan di sarang penyamun" atau "Kembang di antara kambing". Pilih salah satu deh, yang mana yg sreg buat anda-anda.*

That's not all for the day...
The first week, from the 2 modules I had lectures today, the lecturers both said: "This week is going to be an introductory week. And we are going to talk about some basic stuffs." Yeah... basic?! How come introduction has already talking about the assignments, where we have to split into groups of 2 people and be ready to do research and presentations?? Yet, worse than that, the second lecture we had talk about dynamic logic, temporal logic, and other logics... *I am lost!*

I am really tired today. Extremely tired. Even when I met my friends in a supermarket, she said I look exhausted. Yes, I am. My mind was blank, walking like a robot around city centre. Luckily, I managed to get part of my grocery shopping done. I was alive enough to go to China Town to buy some indomie and went around the market to get some cheap veggies and some lengkeng and leci *very heavy though, my hands felt like falling apart *

Today's weather is so freezing cold and on top of that the cold wind blows so strongly. The forecast predicts that it will get worse as the week goes. Right... Just perfect combinations for me.

Wish me luck in surviving this week and ahead.

Father, I need You to strengthen me.
I need You to fill me up with Your loving kindness...
to be strong enough to face disappointments that come to test me.
to be strong enough to put a smile on my face to brighten other's day.
to not give up walking through the way You want me to go.
and more importantly, to not fail in glorifying Your Name through my life.


  1. iya nih banyak hujan plus angin kencang juga...

    gue pilih judulnya..."Kembang perawan di sarang penyamun kambing"

  2. eeehhh jangan kebanyakan indomie yaa....N'tar jadi keriting loh??!!??....hihihihi

  3. jaga kesehatan yah sher, jangan lupa minum vitamin biar gak gampang sakit ya.

    wah.. perawan disarang kambing yak :P ihhh.... hehehhehe...

  4. wehh...sama seperti di jkt sher, sering hujan badai di sini...;p

    wekss...emang di china town sana ada indomie gak sich ?

  5. eh disana ada indomie ya ? ati-ati lho yg instan kadang malah bikin penyakit :D

  6. ayo sherly caio!!
    enak lagii.. kan satusatunya cewe disayaaang.. hehe ^^

  7. Waaaaaaaahhh kasian Sherly dah aaahh..ngarep dpt temen ceweq yg nongol laki lagiii..:(
    Eh tp bukannya lebih asik gaul sm cowoq ya? (ma'ap para ceweq, cuma nanya doank kok..ixixixix)

  8. bukannya jane bond 007 di sarang lebah ?... ati2 kalo kesengat, tjoes ! bisa benjol2.

  9. bangga deh...you go girl...kamu pasti bisa deh...
    walo cuman sendirian..he.he..girl power

  10. huahuahuahua.. ternyata emang mesti jadi ratu semut sher:) hidup wanita... kikikikik.. dah bersyukurlah sher, jadinya kamu disayang ama teman² juga dosen... *_*

    gimana sakit kepalanya? dah sembuh? aku gih gak mood, lemes.. di kelas juga ngantuk pisan.. payah deh:(

    eh iyah.. kemaren disini gih gila²an... berangkat -13°C pulang masih -7°C, glekssss.. untung gak pegang aer.. kalo enggak udah jadi es kali:)

  11. poor baby....cini2 te kade kasi hugs......

    eh kita kok telepati yach kapan hari te kade beli leci juga .....nyam nyamnyam enakkk...cuman ada yg asem banget....

    well you have a lovely day yach

  12. Duh Sher, disini cuaca juga gila.. duingin.. kemarin min 12, plus anginnya kenceng buanget.. huhu.. *nasib..*

    Oh ya Sher, cowoknya cakep gaak? hihi..

  13. dijkt jg musim ujan dan angin kenceng, gi banyak bencana :( jgn lupa minum vit C dan B sher.. mayan ngaruh bwat stamina.. sing sabar yah.. moga2 kuliahnya ga ngebosenin mulu deh *cayoo.... ayoo smangad...

  14. take care ya sher. jgn terlalu capek. tapi aku malah seneng kerja sama cowok2 hahahaha serasa maradona eh primadonaa hahahaha


  15. lho bukannya enak sher, banyak yg jagain ;)

    jaga kesehatan ya sher, udaranya lg jelek bgt nih :(

    selamat belajar!!


  16. sher, kalo kami mampir ketempatmu jangan disuguhin mie lho, fish and chips aja. (yg mau nyuguhin ya sapa, niez). piye to, takon dijawab dewe.

  17. Oeee.. lagi-lagi cewek sendirian ya? ^^ hauhauhahaa.. haduh... pasti menyebalkan banget tuh.. katanya introduce basic doank.. taunya bukan basic lagi.. xD.. segitu aja dibilank basic?!! O_O gimana nantinya coba? Hoh.. O_O moga2 lancar ya... :)

    Trus.. wah.. cuaca di sana lagi gak bersahabat ya? O_O.. hati-hati ya... di Indo sini hujan terus.

    Btw ttg indomie... aduuh.. jadi pengen makan miee.. xD

  18. nasib anak kos ? jadi inget lagu project pop *giggle* :P dinikmati aja lah :D ntar jadi kenangan yang bisa dinikmati setiap saat :D
    btw, apa postingan gue segitu sedihnya ?


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