
Finally I am in touch with my blog again!! This week has been very tough for me... Berangkat kuliah pagi jam 9.30, pulangnya paling pagi jam 6 sore...
Ini aja maksain untuk blogwalking malem-malem *it's 12.50 AM now* plus update.

Kemana aja? Well... hari-hari kuliah dari jam 10.00 sampe jam 12.00 atau jam 13.00, have lunch, then go to library with my friend, Lan, untuk diskusi dan mempelajari topik presentasi tanggal 20 Febuary mendatang. The topic is... *jreng jreng jreng* Tree Pattern Matching!! *What the...?!* Well, yeah that's what we thought, too! And we feel like almost dead these days... our brains feel numb.
I don't even have time for anything! No cooking what so ever this week, luckily I got blessings *Thank God!* a friend gave me some food.
So... my room is only a place to sleep, to take shower, to eat breakfast and dinner and the rest of the time, I am out in Uni. *Feeling like living in Uni, huh?!
This suffering is not finished yet, next week, we still have to do the same thing! So yeah... not really looking forward to the next several days!

I don't even have time to write 'Cerita Anak' to participate in Blogfam event , even if I have some ideas, I just can't... I am too tired... Hiks... Wish me luck, friends! I know I can do it, but I have to get through it with suffering...

By the way, since Nisa passed on this thing to me from Wednesday *sorry, Nis for being so late...* Here it is:
5 Weird things about me:

1. Kebanyakan dari teman-temenku menyangka aku ini judes pada kesan pertama.
2. Seringkali mimpi sedang mengerjakan PR atau assignments. *sial bener yak?*
3. Punya rambut coklat, padahal ortu/keluarga besar ga ada satupun yg berambut coklat.
4. Kadang kalo diajak orang ngomong, bisa melongo alias blank.
5. Kalo sudah ketawa, ga bisa berhenti. *Yang ini yang gawat *

Duh... dilempar ke sapa yak? Heleh... sapa aja deh yang mau... aku lg blank banget nih... dah jam 1 pagi, waktune tidur! Besok mesti belajar lagi...

Met weekend, everyone! God bless you all!
In the silence of yours,
I have decided my steps...
Don't be sad and don't regret...
All has to pass.

This time, I will never go back.
He forbids me.
You knew it, why did you test Him?

Now, I have to pay the price...
Broken and scattered...
Sore and swollen...

For once, please understand and let it be...
For this love will never be, no matter how strong it is.

- nie, 10 Febuary 2006.
For someone far away...


  1. Seringkali mimpi sedang mengerjakan PR atau assignments
    Itu jadinya kalo terlalu rajin huehehehehe.

  2. wisss.. walaupun maksain posting disaat capek untuk kejadian keseleo jari ngga terulang lagi... coba kalo loe salah ngetik busy-woman jadi bus-woman kikikiiii... :P

  3. waduhh,, pantes aja km jarang ol sibuk bgt ya say :(
    koq malah g suka rambut coklat c? kan bagus beda ama yg lain hehe,,

    met wiken yaa *mwah*
    mizz u so much,,

  4. Weeeh Sher..gw juga seboook terusss..padahal udah redaan tuh tp dateng lagi tak kunjung henti..hiks..sampe sakit tetep jalanin urusan2x yg gak bisa di tunda..:(

    Sampe turun dua kilo (bkn krn dieet rotinya..payah kalo yg ini) krn lupa makan..

    Oke Sher, gw hiatus dulu tp tetep usaha blog walking biar pd gak lupa ma gw..;)

    Take care ya sis..

  5. wah keyen tuh mimpi aja bisa ngerjain tugas...biar bisa cepet kelar dong?...:p ajarin gue dong!!

  6. istirahat sist.. jangan ampe 'korslet' he3.

  7. sherly, selamat belajar ya, jgn lupa makan, ntar sakit lho.
    aku bulan juli kalo ada rejeki mo ke inggris sher, liverpool is on top of the list!! ;)


  8. waa ternyata dirimu bikin cerfet juga huehuehue.... (gak nggatekno)

    1. kamu judes ?? yang bener aja :D
    2. wah kok ga mimpiin diriku sih ? hihihi
    3. ehem...rambut yang mana ya ;))
    4. hhmmm trus kalo ngetik bisa salah2 gitu ya, pantesan aja...
    5. wakakaka..hehehhee...hihihi...nah lho awas kalo sampai terkencing2 ya

    met monday nak, ati2 ya, GBU

  9. rambut coklat?
    jgn2 wkt bayi di Rs ketuker kali ya :P

  10. Kesan pertamanya judes, kesan keduanya juga judes, kesan kesepuluhnya judes juga... Wah...?? hihihihi... ups... stop.. stop.. wah bener juga 'gak bisa brenti ketawanya.... hihihi...


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