The Nightmare begins...

Hiks... Monday is approaching again... I will be busy again. Two days for the weekend is definitely not enough for me. These two days my mind was so blank, that I did not know how to spend it.

Well... another disaster... I cut my left hand again, this time on the palm of my hand. Quite big cut and it stings. Anyway, I better sleep.
Take care and have a good week ahead.

This is me...
torn and shattered.
Forgive me.


  1. waddouuh sher.. kok apess benner nasibmu nak.. ati2 donk ah.. apa kecapean kali yah.. hehehe.. i hate monday banged deh postingannya..

  2. Ini anak..*geleng2x kepala*..napa lo Sher?? Ati2x atuh nooonnn..tangan ituw sangat di butuhkan loh..buat nyebok..wuakakakakkk..*lari lagi tunggang langgang abis dr Nina mampir sini*

  3. walah kamu tuh mbok ya hati2 nduk...take care ya...happy valentine's day *hugs*

  4. aku dah bilang; take care...take care...
    met valentine juga met ronda buat yg lagi sibuk.


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