Some more blessings...

boots & chocolate from VivieToday, I am very happy againn!!! Came back from University, as usual I checked my pigeon hole *mailbox* in the office. When he saw me, the porter automatically went to the back room and came back with two big parcels for me. One is a white envelope and the other one is a DHL box.
Hmm... what could they be?
So, as soon as I got back to my room, put my bag, took off my coat, I opened them both. Wow!!! A lovely sweater from Wiwin in Holland and a pair of boots plus a box of chocolate from Vivie in Germany.
Danke yah! Bener-bener puji Tuhan dapet teman-teman yang baik hati serta berkat-berkat yang melimpah. Aku seneng banget deh punya temen-temen baru dari blog. Duh... serasa hidup lebih colourful! Meskipun mereka semua kebanyakan ibu-ibu, tapi funky lhooo!!! :D
Sweater from WiwinYang enak lagi, aku belajar banyak dari mereka-mereka, bisa curhat sama mereka dan tanya-tanya.

Ugghh... gak terasa it's the middle of the week already. Plenty of assignments to do and still a presentation. Feeling rather tired than excited. However, I can't wait till next week, since I will be going to Manchester to see my friend next weekend.
Yo wis ah... gitu aja kali ya... Ini sesuai request dari sang pengirim *terutama wiwin* yang pengen liat aku pake sweaternya, jadi aku pajang foto deh. Ndak biasa-biasanya deh ya....

Once again, danke!!! God bless you!


  1. Waaaa dua anak aja cukup ya Sher hihihi.... nganyari, nganyari... tambah ayu gitu lho nak kamu :D

  2. waaaaaaaaaaaaa ke manchester.......kayanya keren

  3. baru ngeh saiki rambutmu wis dowoo... :P eh ya itu poto pas make sweater opo maksute ? nunjuk2x jari tangan... jgn2x nitip pesen buat yg ngirim "kok sweaternya cm satu kurang ueeyy... aku maunya dua !" :P

  4. ehh pake sweater pink itu kamu jadi tambah cantik lohhh

  5. huuu ko temennya baek2 sihhh mau kenalan ah sama mreka biar dikasih juga *hsihsihsihsihs*

  6. wah dalam rangka val sweaternya pink juga yah sher...lucuu :P

  7. mau dong totatnya :)

  8. itu 2 anak ato 2 suami nduk hahahhaa asli kalo dua-dua getu mah ogut juga mau :p

  9. sher, apa mau propaganda golkar, hehehe...
    btw, mau tak ramal po. besok bakalan dapet paket lagi dari holan. tunggu aja deh.


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