Since the last post, I was not really able to come up with something to post about. Plus, I was and still am feeling disabled to type. Yeah yeah I hurted myself several times these several days. In three days, I have cut my fingers twice. Once on my right hand thumb, while opening a corned beef can. And the second, a paper cut on my pinky while reading a handout full of job vacancies. Both hurt a lot, and NOT having any plaster is truly a disadvantage. It is painful to type, it is painful to write and many more painful things to do with these disabled hands. Right now, I am typing real slow... what a pain.
Anyway, I hope they both heals quickly. The thumb is not as painful anymore, but I think it might leaves a mark. but the pinky... the paper cut deep and wide.
I am not happy at all about these fingers... Hiks...
Anyway, I hope they both heals quickly. The thumb is not as painful anymore, but I think it might leaves a mark. but the pinky... the paper cut deep and wide.
I am not happy at all about these fingers... Hiks...
ehm...it's not too bad I guess,as long as you don't cut your relationship..just kidding. So be careful...next time and always pay attention to whatever you do. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteati-ati sher :)
ReplyDeletekapan2 kalau susah buka cornet or makanan kaleng lainnya lemparin aja ke aku dulu kekekeke...
ikutan lomba juga ya? wahhhh tahu nihh pede gak he..he..
moga2 cepet sembuh sher dan bisa ngetik sebanyak-banyaknya dalam ciptain ide menulis :)
Oooh! I hate paper cut... dan rasanya jadi susah mau ngapa2in.
ReplyDeleteAh! Tapi nggak apa2 deh... masih ada yang lebih sakit dari paper cut kok neng... :) Trust me!
ouch!!! ituh rasanya pedih sekali bukan?? Hehehe... Met sembuh ya buu... dan diajarin jari2nya biar lebih hati-hati lagi... :) jadi inget kuis "Jareee Jareee" (Jari-Jari)
ReplyDeleteapa coba aku bilang
ati2 non!!
kalo sakit di bawa ke dokter ya
ntar bengkak takutnya
*pegang jempol sherly sambil ditiup2*
wah... ti ati dong sher.... udah diobatin blm ? moga gak infeksi ya ???? *nakutin* hehehhehe canda sayang
ReplyDeleteAwww Sher, kasian bgt sih ni anak ada2 aja deh eheheh. More careful next time yah!!! Diplesterin aja biar ngetiknya nggak sakit!
ReplyDeleteaduuh sherly...
ReplyDeleteati2 ya laen kaliiii....
oh paper cut tuh emang nyebelin...
smoga cepet sembuh ya jari2nya...
spy bisa cepet2 menari2 di atas tuts keyboard buat ngepost....
huhuhuh aduu, ati2 dong... tp memang sering yaa... itu tuu buka kornet, seperti biasa makanan yg mudah kornet, tp pas bukanya pasti aja lecet deh ^^
ReplyDeletemoga2 sehat yaa biar bisa tulis lagi.. hehe,
ada bagusnya juga tuh...jadi ga berisik kalo ngetik...kacian keyboardnya :p
ReplyDelete*baca mantra*
ReplyDelete"Be healed!!"
Semoga lekas sembuh deh tu jari ye.. udah terlalu sering di forsir buat macem macem, kalo ga gini ga istirahat dia..
Ugh.. 'gak enak banget!!! Aku tau rasanya, aku pernah keseret arus waktu diving sampe mesti make jurus cecak buat naek, trus 'gak pake sarung tangan lagi. Abis deh jari2 penuh luka goresan karang.
ReplyDeleteBoro2 buat ngetik, buat megang sendok buat makan aja susah.
Aku tega2in aja pake light alkohol buat cepat kering tu luka. Perih banget tapi cepet sembuhnya.
mau tak kirimin plester londo opo sher, opo maneh...*sambil ngepak2*
ReplyDeleteweleh ati2 donk yah neng...met wiken
ReplyDeletecpt smbuh ya. ga difoto nih lukanya? :p btw kalo inez ktik itu ga pake pinky n ga pake jempol kanan! ahahahah. buat space pake jempol kiri. untung aja ga kepotong jari telunjuk or jari tengah. repot tuh. hati2 di masa depan! hohohoh
ReplyDeletepaling gak enak yah sakit...duh semoga cepat sembuh deh jari tangannya..
ReplyDeleteapa kabar nih? waaah sebentar lagi musim semi.
BTW, UK termasuk dari 10 tempat termahal di dunia, menurut Republika terbitan kemarin...fuuuiihhh, Indonesia ajah sekarang mahal2, apalagi UK
ReplyDeletegmn jarina skrg msh sakitkah?
huhu maaf yaa aq g tau,,
have a great weekend say ;)
Woadoouh.. kebayang deh atitnya.. duh ati2 yah Sher.. met istirahat yah.. have a great wiken juga..
ReplyDeleteaduh sayang ya udah kalo masih sakit istirahat ngetik aja dulu.. cup cup sini mana dicium yg sakit *alah*
ReplyDeleteperlu sekretaris buat ngetik ga? :D
ReplyDeleteweiii kalo gi motong2 or buka2 sesuatu jangan ngelamunin te kade dong :p
ReplyDeletebut te kade juga paling sebel buka cornet ...
ati2 laen kali.....
have a lovely weekend "hugs"
puba nabu muf goli pao nu pa kaj!!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat work!
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Great work!
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Good design!
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