
Dearest friends,
Thank you very much for your positive encouragements regarding living in Beijing. It makes me, somewhat, feel rest-assured... In addition, I will still have to wait until I finish my PhD to move there and I am hoping that I can finish it early, so that Lan would not have to 'wait' too long in the UK with me. I notice that living costs are getting higher here and jobs are getting harder to get. But, I appreciate it very much that Lan has decided he will stay here until I finish my study.
We don't really want to be apart from each other for too long... It's too awkward and being alone paralysed me. I get used to living with a hubby by my side all the time!

Dear Noni (and all of my dear friends), off course, I will accompany you to go around Beijing and I hope, by then, we can offer our place for you to stay! :) I just hope I won't get you all lost! LOL!

Just a few minutes ago, I heard a song at Nafiri FM online streaming... I wrote below the part that touches me. It makes me say to myself: This is so true! He's the only One I can depend on all the years of my life. He never fails me.
Apapun yang terjadi di hidupku, tak pernah di luar perhitunganMu.
Sampai kapanpun kudapat selalu mengandalkanMu di tiap langkahku.

Whatever happens in my life, nothing is ever outside Your calculations.
Until forever, I know I can always count on you in every step I take.

Thank you, Jesus!

Just a bit on scrapping... Yesterday, I stayed at home feeling dizzy. My Mum guessed it might be the low blood pressure (Yep, I do tend to have a very low blood pressure!). So, I decided to fill my time with scrapping our newest family photos...

The good earth, a collab by Scrap Orchard Designers and Sweet Shoppe Designs Designers.
Mask from So Useful Masks Watercolor from Designs by Sine
Word art from So Useful Fade outs Vol 2 from Designs by Sine
Just a bit brassy alpha by Michelle Batton Designs.
Font: Pea Jordan


  1. waaaaahhh family picturenya baguussss!!! everybody is so happy! :)

  2. Good Luck on everything! :)

    I will contact you if I visit Beijing when you are already there!! hehehe :D

  3. Sher, aku suka bgt ama template kamu yg baru.. so romantic... aihh.. :-)

    Setuju ama Arman, family picturenya bagus bgt, what a blessed family!

  4. Hi Sherly,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today - I hope you enjoyed TDC Treats blog train! Love your page above - a wonderful family portrait and beautiful page! Good luck on your upcoming adventure.

  5. Bgs blog template nya , feel warm .
    he22 ga sabar yah moving to beijing , ntar kalo aku kesana kita bisa keliling beijing yah ?

  6. Ya semoga cepet selesai pendidikannya biar cepet ke Beijing :D hehehe... Lan adalah pria yang sangat, sangat, sangat baik... di mana ya bisa nemu pria nggak egois kayak dia? Heheheh *candaaaa*... met wiken, sist!

  7. Ternyata bukan di Indonesia aja biaya hidup dan pekerjaan sulit. Ternyata di Inggris juga sama ya Nie? Kalau begitu ngapain ke inggris lho..haha (bercanda).
    Thank's for visiting my blog.

  8. aaaaaa...! jadi kepengen buat yang kayak punya u... ~.~ blm py foto family yg lgkp, neh. moga ae nti des isa :D
    semanget selesein study, sher!

  9. bagus scrap nya sher! fotonya juga bagus.. lu mirip banget ama nyokap lu yaaa :D

  10. Seperti biasanya: page yg cantik! Dan semoga sukses, deh... for Sherly & whole family! ;-)


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