Weekend in Warrington

After so much contemplation and googling, I decided to tow Lan along to Warrington. There was a 'pumpkin day' at Kenyon Hall Farm, and I'd love to go and see what it looks like. Lan was hesitant, he didn't really buy the idea of going to a farm just to see a pumpkin patch! Not interesting, as he said, but he still went for me... Bless him for that!
So, Saturday morning, we headed to Lime Street Station at around 10.10am, to catch the 10.22am train to Warrington. Guess what? We missed it just by seconds! Thank God the train passing Warrington runs every several minutes or so, we did not have to wait long.

The journey on the train between Liverpool and Warrington is around 20-30 minutes. As soon as we got to Warrington, we got on a 15-minutes journey to the farm by taxi. Well, the farm is actually at the outskirts of Warrington. The taxi driver was very kind to give us his mobile number, so we can ring him when we are done... I can't imagine getting a taxi there. It's sort of in the middle of nowhere!
First impression of the farm: Smelly! Yep, there is this strong farm-ey smell in the air, not so pleasant, but we got used to the smell quite quickly. Kenyon Hall Farm is a family business of a nice couple of middle-aged. They sell fresh produce of their farm; onions, carrots, some berries, pumpkins, squashes and many others!
I was a bit disappointed to see the pumpkin patch though... Most of the pumpkins were already harvested and put in the shop, instead of being left on the patch. So, in the end, I just chose a pumpkin out of the shop-shelf. The good thing about it is the country-side air. It was different from the city air. It was fresh and crispy! And we were very blessed with a DRY weather! It was not sunny, but it was dry! :)
We picked a small-medium sized pumpkin, which were suggested by the lady owner, in the hope of making pumpkin soup! I got some home-made strawberry jam, which looks very very yummy! Oh, of course, we took some pictures there... which are still nesting in our camera's memory card right now. LOL!

Then, we headed to IKEA! I was super excited and we spent hours there!
First thing first was LUNCH! Ikea's Swedish meatballs are yummy! And we were so full and satisfied of our lunch. Then we started our little 'adventure'.
Well, the aim of our tour in IKEA is to get some idea for home interior designs. We both agreed that we have our own styles and preferences of how our future home will look like. So, it's a good exercise to go to such a shop where we can point out to each other 'this is what I like!', 'this is what I don't like'. We knew each other better for that sense!
From the long tour, we picked up some designs/ideas that we both agreed upon. Some sketches on how our future home will look like! And I love the experience! It was very fun indeed! Believe me, I am very excited upon getting a flat of our own, so I can start 'designing' our home! LOL! (the word 'design' always makes me excited somehow!)
It's not going to be very soon, but it is still in the near future (say within 2-3 years). We are hoping to settle down in Beijing after we both graduated from PhD. Woohoo! And, by that time, I will picture myself as a Stay-at-Home-Mother and having our juniors!

I feel so blessed! I am so thankful and grateful to see and realise that The Lord really provides and take a great care of us. I hope you, my friends, see and realise the same thing in your lives too!

God bless and have a great week!


  1. Ketika koko Lan mau menemani dirimu meski dia sendiri tak suka acara itu... hmmm... sungguh itu cinta yang luar biasa, sister!!!!! Pengen punya suami kayak gitu hekekeke :D

  2. seneng nya semoga cita2 mu terkabul Nie !

  3. wow, settle in beijing.. :)
    Enjoy scrapbooking while breastfeeding, raising up your juniors, sounds perfect, aite?
    I'm sure they are gonna happen, mind does rule! ;)

  4. hmm gak ada foto2nya nih? :D

  5. Sher, upload donk foto2 di pumpkin patchnya.. :-) So did u buy a pumpkin dear?

    Yes, I loveeee IKEA too, especially the meatballs & the hotdog. Cuma skr lagi nabung, jadi bener2 dibatasin untuk makan di luar seminggu 2x aja.. biasanya tiap weekend kita makan di IKEA. hehe..

    Great to hear all plans are seemed to be coming into places... and hope next year kamu dah punya juniors ya Sher... We're still trying though, but believing that His time will be the perfect time for us...

  6. hehe... dulu pas baru pindah sering banget aku ke Ikea, kadang dapat, kadang 'gak. Sampe bosen juga. Sekarang malah males kalo diajak ke Ikea :D
    Paling juga kalo males masak, ya maen ke sana cuman buat meatballsnya aja, secara ikea tuh deket rumahku.

  7. oh.. nanti rencananya mo tinggal di beijing ya sher? masih 2-3 taon lagi ya? sekolah tuh lama ya hihihi.. nti kalo udah ada fotonya pajang ya, pengen liat ^^


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