I Had a gReAt DaY

Yiiipeeeee.... I am happy today for yesterday... Aku pergi ke Chester - International Heritage City (they call it that way - Sebenernya sih bukan rencanaku untuk pergi jalan-jalan sampe ke luar kota segala. Aku diajak ortunya suaminya temenku yang aku tumpangi sekarang ini. Minggu lalu, aku diundang Sunday lunch di rumahnya, which was very delicious. However, yesterday was so muchhhh more better... Hehehehe... Waktu sampe di Chester, kita walked around the city centre... ngeliat bangunan-bangunan peninggalan dari Roman Empire (Chester sempet diduduki bangsa Roma beberapa ratus taon yang lalu). Keren banget deh... City wallnya yang mengelilingi pusat kota Chester itu konon adalah cara bangsa Roma untuk mengantisipasi serangan dari penduduk Wales. (Rumit amat yah... hihihi...).
Nah, fotoku ini diambil di East Gate (Gerbang sebelah timur). Jam yang ada di atas gerbang itu diresmikan oleh Ratu Elizabeth (gak tau Elizabeth yang mana :p) tahun 1800an kalo gak salah. Sorry banget kalo gak inget... huhuhuhu...

Sehabis jalan-jalan itu, we had Sunday lunch... The food was gorgeous... We went to Pastarazzi Ristorante. An authentic Italian Restaurant. It was a 3-course meal; I had Penne Salmon, Roast Beef with Yorkshire Garnishes (Yorkshire puddings it's usually called), and white chocolate cake for dessert. And I had white wine with it :D
*Ufff...* I was so full... the dessert was very very delicious... it was kind of cheesecake, but I can really taste the white chocolate... Yummy...
Unfortunately, I didn't take photos of those food since my camera ran out the battery :( I didn't recharge it before we go since I didn't know that they were planning to go to Chester.

One thing that makes me want to come back is that we didn't have time to go shopping... hehehehe... Or at least windows shopping. There were sales everywhere, I might go back there with one of my friends these days. Hehehe...
Tomorrow evening is the time the owners of the house to come back from China (Hope that the noise won't kill me).
Hmmm... I think that's all for now. :D
God Bless!


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