My Wages....

Despiting of having a bad day yesterday (I had to go home walking in the pouring rain), there was a great news for me. Hehehehe... Kemaren sore, hampir-hampir jam 4 sore, aku terima e-mail dari Finance Office. The lady said:
I'm pleased to tell you that although it was past the weekly deadline when I saw you last Thursday, the Finance Office managed to get your details processed in time for the weekend cheque run. Your cheque for the first installment of £725.00 is now ready for collection from this office.

Whoaaaaaa... I was so happy!!! Hehehe... So this morning, I went to the office and got my cheque. :D The same lady said, I don't know how it went through, normally this never happens. I gave her just a smile... I'm really grateful and I know who was and is behind this; My Beloved Father in Heaven. Thank you, Lord!
So... Anyway, I've put the cheque into my saving account, hopefully tomorrow the money will come through.
What a miracle! :)


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