Today is gloomy...

Okay... okay... it suppose to be summer right NOW in United Kingdom!! Lha... trus kenapa sekarang malah hujan deres di Liverpool sini, cuaca juga dingin *brrrr...* kayak winter ajahhhhhhhh.... I think the weather is the best to express how I feel right now. *sigh*
Sakitnya sudah sembuh sih... (thank you Pone for the suggestion and care.) Cuma moodnya ini yang belon sembuh. Pengennya sih bisa refreshing gitu lah... tapi projectku mana bisa ditinggalllll... Hiks... Mau jalan-jalan ke city centre aja masih mikir dulu kapan sempetnya, abisnya hari-hari di library and ketemu dosen, blon lagi ngerjain tugasnya. Hadooohhhh... Moga-moga waktu si Russian Lecturer ini flies away to America on Friday, I will have more time to relax.
Well... hope tomorrow's weather will be much better.


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