Febuary is rolling...

It feels as if I just spent New Year's Eve at home with my family... And now?! The second month is coming! Time flies... Soon, Chinese New Year and Valentine's day are coming. Soon, winter will be over. Soon... Oen-oen's and my relationship will be in the 18th months. Has it been easy? Not so!
Being far away from each other is very difficult, but somehow, we manage to walk along together in our hearts. There were times when I was hurted and times when I disappointed him... but, I think he will agree, both of us are thankful for the relationship that The Lord has made it possible for us to have.
Eventhough, we have not seen each other for a year. Eventhough, going home for me does not always mean meeting him... but I treasure him in my heart. He has became very close and very dear to my heart and life. Love... he gives. To me. Thank you...

Distance between us taught me...
To understand how you truly love,
To trust without seeing,
And to value your presence in my heart and mind each day.

I believe that every good thing comes from The Lord...
And one of the is you.
The Lord has given me a priceless blessing...
Love... your love and not others'.

Ps. Aku heran banget deh ya, kenapa ini SB kaga ada yg jalan semua... Masa errornya kompakan gitu seh?! Gile bener... apa gara2 daku yah?! :p


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