Nothing, really...

Time really flies so fast! It is almost Febuari again in several days... Without doubt, I know that soon my assignments will be piling up in front of me. This week, I am still able to relax since it is only the first week of the semester, so the work has not been given yet... But, next week, oh God, I don't even want to think about it...

Well, for this semester, my weekdays will be very busy. I will be in Uni/Campus from the morning until evening everyday except for Wednesday. Good thing is that I have Wednesday as a day off. (That's because I don't have any lecture on that day!)

The weather is really cold nowadays, making me want to stay in bed the whole day... And since today is my day off, I wanted to stay in bed a bit longer. But arrgghhhh... the fire alarm went off! I jumped out of bed because it sounds so loud! Later, I found out that they were testing the alarm! *sigh* Why does it have to be today?!

The cure of all sickness, heartaches and wounds comes from one simple smile that we give whole-heartedly to those, who suffer.


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