
Lead me to the cross, where we first met...
Kneel me to my knees so we can talk
Let me feel Your breath...
Let me know You're here with me...

That song sticks in my mind even after the service finished and I was walking down the street going back to the hall. I miss His presence again & again...
Over the years, starting from the first time I stepped out from my origin country, I learned to understand the importance of His presence close to me day by day, minute by minute and second by second. He has become my only strength, my True Friend and my Joy. I became to know how it feels to depend only on Him.
Wonders and miracles that human can't think of, He pours out in my life. They truly are the most beautiful blessings in my life.

The knowledge to realize how precious my parents to me and people around me, has made me appreciate the life He gave me. I believe... I have a beautiful life and so everybody in this world. No matter how hard it is to get through each day, they all have their own momentum and are all beautiful in different ways.
And I thank the Lord for giving me such a wonderful life...

I learnt and am learning...
You are The God of the Universe.
No others can compare the knowledge You own.
Nothing defeats Your divine beauty and personality.
Love and kindness come from You.
My Lord... My God... My Father.

Happy Sunday, everyone! Have a blessed week ahead! God bless you!


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