Arigato Gozaimasu

Akhirnya... the BIG day has passed. I have to go for another-year journey again this time.
Well well... thank you very much for the greetings from you all. I feel I am surrounded by friends and not lonely because of you all. Thanks so much! ;)

On Friday, I didn't do much. Basically because I had to be in University from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. It was an ordinary day of campus. However, the boys did say 'happy birthday' to me. *it was nice* Got presents from two of them, which I didn't really expect.
After class, I went to the cinema with one of the boys. *hehe...* We watched Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire. We weren't optimist that we will get tickets, since it was the first day it's out on the cinema. But... lucky day for me *grin* we got tickets!
The film was really good! I jumped in some parts because I was surprised *blushed*. The animation was perfect and the story is interesting, even though I am not a fan of Harry Potter.
So that was THE day.

Today, I woke up at 11.30. I jumped out of bed... didn't actually realize I slept until that late. So... quickly turned on my laptop, turned on some songs, took a shower.
At 1.30 p.m., I was already in the city centre, waiting impatiently to meet my friend, who specially came from Stoke for my birthday. I miss her so much... she did the same undergraduate course with me, so I got close with her in the last 3 years.
It was great to see her! She treated me for lunch and I treated her for Starbuck!
*PUAS! PUAS! Dua keinginanku terpenuhi dalam rangka ultahku; segelas wine dan secangkir caramel machiato! Senengggggg!!!*

After lunch, we went around the shops. She bought some Christmas presents for her family and I was just window-shopping hehe... At 4 p.m., she had to leave for home *sobs* She caught the train and I went on the bus for home. It was great meeting her! I enjoyed my birthday very very much!

Got a lot of prayers from family and friends, a box of chocolates *asyik!*, and some other presents. I feel very very thankful.

Thank you, friends, you all made my days worth living them.
Have a blessed weekend, everyone! God bless you all!

Ps. blon sempet blogwalking, soalnya tugas numpuk... sabar ya :D


  1. wah yang lagi hepi....banyak bgt sih "kadonya" hehehehe
    jadi ngiler :p

  2. doh, yang lagi seneng:) gitu donk.. jangan bermuram durja terus;) btw, begimana acara nonton, buset.. sekaligus 2 pilm, halah halah.. tapi baguslah untuk melupakan kejadian belakangan ini:)

    btw, sher... paket dah aku ambil, ternyata.. bener itu dari kamu:) LOVE it so much... duh, seneng liatnya:) apalagi Aiko, dia hilir mudik buat pamer scraf ke orang-orang, terus ampe di rumah tetep dipake;)) THX SO MUCH...

    terus.. nti kita ngobrol yah;) hehehe, skarang mo ngupik duluw.. bye bye dear..

  3. owwwhhh..ultah yah mbak. Happy belated b'day dah kalo gitu? hueheee...btw..ndil itu nickku loah mbak:D Oiya denger2 dari kurpix adeknya ehm...ehm yach:D

  4. hope you hepi with kado gue ya

    ya wes
    hepi hiatus, non

    si culun kasi kado apa?
    kijo ya? kiss jaoh jaoh?

  5. yay harry potter!! cant wait for the next installment :) great to hear you had a great time on your bd!! am not so long forward for mine cos i dont want to grow up just yet!! hehehehe ;)

  6. wow..what a wonderful day...
    emang klo lagi jauh dari orang tua
    trus pas ultah...
    ...friends always bring joy for us...

  7. aku jg ngga sk harry potter klo ditanya knp ? ya ngga sk aja film2x kayak gitu :D

    nb. koleknya baru ntar malam kali blm smpet bikin :D

  8. My pleasure Nie...weleh happy yah b'daynya *seneng* weleh kamu jump2 melulu heheheh ati2 neng....mau wine, yukk ke rumahku...banyak stock nih Nie...heheheh tapi kebayang gag siy singapore panas gini trus minum wine *gasp*
    Saya mo nonton Harry Potter tapi takut hehehhehe gimana dunks? ntar ajah deh nunggu dvd-nye keluar...met hari senen yaaaa

  9. wahhh!!! asik banget tuh udah nonton HP!!! nisa gak sempet terus nihhhh!!! huhuhuhu.... seru yaa??? cakep ga danielnya??? tapi jadi jelek aj sejak rambutnya panjang.. ilfeel deh.... huahahahhahaha.. ^^

    okies.... asik ya yang ultah... duuh... hehehehe.. mana nih kuehnya? kok ga bagi2 seh?? hihihihi.. ^^

  10. iya nih, aku juga lagi pengen nonton harry potter, penasaran abis pada bilang bagus!
    ntar hari senin kali, no-mat (nonton hemat) hehehe dasar ogah rugi ya:-P

  11. waaa ... da banyak yang nonton HP4, tapi akuuh belum :D;; jd makin penasaran ..

  12. hmmm... nonton ma sapa tuh?

    hwaaa aq lom nonton harpot niy...
    msh lom sempet gara2 tugas kul :(

    huhu km g ol2 sist gmn aq mo crt?

  13. aduh yg lagi happy..iya deh gitu donk..jadi ikutan seneng juga nih


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