
fireworksJust several minutes ago, I was enjoying the view of beautiful fireworks outside my window. Yeah... this week each year, they have a fireworks show on a Friday or a Saturday *they call it bon-fire night*.
I am always amazed by the colourful view the fireworks give in a dark sky of the night. This experience can only be enjoyed by the bare-eyes and often can be expressed through pictures/photos. Seeing it straight away gives a different and better feeling about it.

It is a pity though... fireworks only last a few seconds and they are gone by then. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a beautiful decoration on the night skies?

Oh well... enough about fireworks.
Gomenasai... This week I felt as if I have been abandoning my blog. What's my excuse this time? No excuses! It's a FACT; I have been extremely busy. Right now, I am actually feeling fed up doing my Javascript assignment. I've spent 4 hours++ doing it, and yet I haven't finished a third of it.
This is really a tough course I am doing! *sob*

For the weekend, my homeworks are piling up on my desks, waiting to be done! Ah... My brain is bloated! I was in campus from 10 o'clock this morning and I didn't left for home until 5 p.m. *it was as dark as 8 p.m.!!!*
Oh well... I am very confident, it will get worse as time goes by *fainting* There are yet more to come... CGI, Perl, PHP, Java Applet, 5000 words essay on Quantum Computing *HELP!!!*

This week... I've been feeling a lot of up and down. I am bodily and mentally exhausted. I wonder how long I keep this up... hanging on a piece of thread and being very tired. Well... six weeks to go until I go to see my brother in Brighton. I am very looking forward to it. :)

So then... That's all for now. I hope you all have a blessed and joyful weekend! God bless you and take care! Adios!


  1. they do sounds complicated!! :( cheer up hun, keep telling yourself that its only six weeks till ur time off!! :) hope you have a lovely weekend despite your homeworks!! :)

  2. selamat berbussy2 ria ya
    yg penting tetep semangat
    tetep berdoa juga

    God bless u sist

  3. waaahhh ada fireworks...tiap jmat ada apa gimanah gitu? weleh kamu kan pejuang nak...pasti kamu bisa ayooo ciayouuuu..met wiken yaa

  4. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... kembang api.. keren!!! met wiken sher..

  5. kembang api....hehehe....kemarin lebaran di kompleks juga pada nonton kembang api tuh hehehe..sayang ga ada rio nya hiks...enjoy ur wiken yak sist...god bless

  6. weh byk tugas ya sher..bantu doa dr jauh aja,ihihih..semangat ya sher,kerjain atu atu..

    met wiken :-*

  7. tauuu deh gimana rasanya kalo gi capekk..trus sibukkkkkkkkkk......nti kalo pas holiday payback deh ...

    met weekend sherly...

  8. tenang sher.. kadang sehabis busy lewat, nikmat rasanya:) bisa bermalas-malas lagi...

    sama sher, codingku juga blum beres... hikss, akibat mudik terlalu lama:))

  9. CGI, Perl, PHP, Java Applet, 5000 words essay on Quantum Computing... hmmm lebih asik kalo ditemenin sama kopi :D
    dibantu doa dari sini deh, biar lancar semuanya :)

  10. Hi Sherly,
    I just finished the second task of Javascript and found something wrong within our codes. So, be carefully.

    I am afraid I am not capable of doing the third task. Did you begin, try or finish it? Give me some hints, like we did on Friday.
    Good night

  11. Good luck dengan urusan sekolahannya ya sher. sayah juga lg berjuang spy bisa selesai nih. eh sambil mual2 hehehe

    makasih ucapan hari rayanya dan ultahnya ya


  12. gue jadi inget waktu malam tahun baru kemaren gue ke pantai kuta...itu sepanjang pantai penuh dengan manusia dan setiap jarak 500 meter ada pemasangan fireworks...hehehhe seru...saling berbalas2an gitu

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