My Weekend Plan

Hidup bagaikan sekotak aneka coklat.
Tiap coklat adalah bagian dari kehidupan...
Ada yang garing, manis, kenyal dan rasa kacang.
Tapi semuanya sedap dengan cita rasanya sendiri.
Tanpa satu sama lain, hidup ini tidak akan lengkap.

Tuhan mengasihimu!
Untuk membuktikan hal itu,
Dia menciptakan berbagai keindahan dan kedamaian di hatimu.

By my Mum - 29 June 2005

Bagus ya, puisinya? Hehehe... My mum... she touches my heart every now and then with poems that she sends by SMS. No matter where I am and what I am feeling at that moment, peace always comes right a way when I get SMS from her. :)

Oh ya... I feel exhausted right now. Friday is the most exhausting day, every week. It's the day when I have to be in campus from 10 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon.
This week has been a hard week for me. Mentally, spiritually and physically drained right now. And yet, I am still busy! Hehehe...

Got a pile of work with no motivation whatsoever to get them done! *grin* Being a single coordinator of the Indonesians gathering for tomorrow is a difficult task, I have to say! Getting all of them agree to one slot of time and date is extremely frustating... but, I enjoy doing it!
We are going to have dinner in China City Restaurant at 19.00 tomorrow (Saturday), followed by a karaoke night *oh yeah baby! this one I'm not looking forward to!*
So far, I expect there would be 9 of us there! Huhuhu... should be fun! :D
I am the coordinator AND the cameraWOMEN AND the pick-up service person! Aren't I a handy person to have for such events, eh?! Huhuhu...

Nyway... Have a great and blessed weekend, everyone! Hope you all have fun!
Besok... saya makan kangkung balacan!!! *Asekkkkkkkkk!!!!*
Adios! God bless you all abundantly!

Ps. counting my days to become older *sighs* God bless me! ^-^v


  1. mamimu nyontek quotes dr Forest Gump Tuh...

    "my mommy said that life is like a box of chocholate"

    keren tuh mami
    rajin liat pilem2

    Run forrest run! slamat makan2 ya
    cari soto sm tahu isi

  2. wah.. mamamu rajin juga ya kirim sms..

    btw, contekan apa neh sher? isi dari postingan vi3? miripkah? hmmm.. kalo mirip, ternyata ada juga kejadian seperti itu di belahan dunia laen...

  3. wah.. mamamu rajin juga ya kirim sms..

    btw, contekan apa neh sher? isi dari postingan vi3? miripkah? hmmm.. kalo mirip, ternyata ada juga kejadian seperti itu di belahan dunia laen...

  4. Wah ternyata Sherly super woman juga yaa... semua dikerjakan sendiri.. tapi tetap jaga kesehatan yaaa... jgn ampe sakit.. karena sakit itu ngga enak (gw lagi sakit *ihiks*)

    Met wiken sher.. semoga sukses ya acaranyaa :)

  5. wah mamimu puitis yaaaa. keren.
    gut lack dgn tugas2nya. hari ini jumat kan? horeee! jumat nih hehehe

  6. Allow Sher, thanks yah buat postingannya, meneduhkan hati loh...btw saya udah agak okeh koq skrg, thanks for your concern yah nak *hugs* have a nice week end yaaa...and enjoy itu karaoke nite, sapa tau bisa jadi UK Idol hehhehehhe...

  7. Hahahaha.. asik ya punya mami yang pandai berkata-kata.. mami nisa sih rasinal molo... logic, logic, logic, serious.. :P

    okies.. Happy Weekend! XD~

  8. wah beautiful words from your mum.... :) karaoke! sounds like fun :) hihihih... hope you'll have a great time, you deserve it :)

  9. duh itu si mami kul *klo kata org sono sher* hehehehe....jadi rindu mami nih hehehe...anyway...
    Happy B'day yach sist....wish u all the best and Jesus Always Bless You All The Time.

    Maaf telat kemarin yoan kurang enak badan...muuuacchhhh

  10. rajin banget si mami Sher.. puitis dan pasti romantis yah:)

    met wiken yah sher... GBU:)

  11. have a wonderful weekend...
    be cool

  12. kalo aku blass... dikirimin sms ama nyokap :D

    eh kok ada kangkung sher ? jadi pengin makan ... nyam..nyam.. tapi kalo kangkung balacan yg gmn ya ? aku blm pernah tau :P

  13. how lucky you are to have a Mom like that.
    Apalagi utk seorang putri yg bersekolah di luar negeri, udah pisah sama ortu, jarang ketemu n jarang jg berkomunikasi...
    but am glad that you are different with other...bedanya bukan ke arah yg negatif loh tapi sangat positif alias tetap dekat dgn ortu walaupun jauh...syukurlah.

  14. wah asyiik mau reuni makan2 lagi

  15. 4 hari lagi ya sher?

    selamet deh. iya makin tua makin cepet mati. hiks. banyak juga yang ultah di bulan nov yah. selamat kalian yang scorpio. semoga tetap dominan!

  16. wah senangnya yah mamimu selalu sms kamu, untuk mengurangi rasa kangen yah sher... moga sehat selalu disana yah..salam

  17. Hehehe...
    Kok jadi pingin makan coklat ya..?


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