Exhausting, I am!
I fell sick! Yeah... I was feeling it yesterday (Monday afternoon). Suddenly, I had a bad headache while I was doing my Java assignment in the University lab with my friend's help. I took a paracetamol, but it had no effect at all! *sob*
Got home at 5.30 p.m., feeling better and did not bother to take any medicine as prevention. Instead... I was happy that I received a parcel from Oen-Oen and a card from Anita for my birthday. Thank you very much! The content of the parcel was... as I expected *hehe...* Rahasia ah...
So... it's the ninth week of the term now. Things are jumbled up in front of me. Some of the assignments I gave up already becoz they are just too complicated to do! And with this sickness; sore throat, coughing and headaches, things are just worse! *sigh*
Well... I hope you all have a good week!
Got home at 5.30 p.m., feeling better and did not bother to take any medicine as prevention. Instead... I was happy that I received a parcel from Oen-Oen and a card from Anita for my birthday. Thank you very much! The content of the parcel was... as I expected *hehe...* Rahasia ah...
So... it's the ninth week of the term now. Things are jumbled up in front of me. Some of the assignments I gave up already becoz they are just too complicated to do! And with this sickness; sore throat, coughing and headaches, things are just worse! *sigh*
Well... I hope you all have a good week!
Dearest Lord, teach me to be generous;
Teach me to serve You as You deserve;
To give and not to count the cost.
- St. Ignatius of Loyola.
cepet sembuh yah sher.. banyak makan vitamin:) jangan cape-cape dulu.. biar fit lagi, terus bisa nonton lagi deh.. *loh?????!!!!* hehehehe...
ReplyDeletesukurlan cardnya dah sampe, aku dah ngeri gak nyampe karena gak ngepost dari kantor pos:) terus... paketnya... wess, jangan diciumin terus yah:) kekekekek...
take care sher, jangan begadang terus... GBU:)
nb: makasih yah sher, dah bantuin aku mendapat majalah kesayangan, hehehee....
cepet sembuh ya sher..dah minum obat belum?,jangan terlalu ngoyo..harus jaga juga kesehatan...,kalo sakit kan yg rugi sherly juga jadi ga bisa ngapa2in..
ReplyDeletesalam ach
ReplyDeletestress gara2 nungguin parcel tohhh
untung sesuai dgn harapan
kalo ngga, bisa cenut2 dobel
bisa butuh ponstan 5 butir sekali glek
tunggu parcel apa tunggu PECEL?
cepet sembuh ya Sher!
ReplyDeletesehat jasmani en rohani!
Dah sembuh kan Sis? moga gak pusing2 lagi ya:)
ReplyDeleteAku juga lagi sering pusing, terutama kalo dikantor, tapi kalo dah berada dirumah pusingnya ilang deh hihihihi...
Wah, pasti seneng banget dapet kado dari yayang:), tambah kangen deh.
have a great day ya:)
wah sama nih...gue juga lagi batuk pilek plus masuk angin eneg gitu....
ReplyDeletetenang aja bersama JC everything is okay !!!
hehehe kado and parcel menyusul...*ga tahu kapan* ...:p
laaah sher kebanyakan makan kue ultah yah mpe sakit gitu haduuh jangan doong dah minum obat belum? Ato sinih mau aku pijat refleksi gak :D cepet sembuuuh yaaaah sist ;)
ReplyDeleteAkhirnya sampai juga... :) Baguslah, yang, kalau kamu suka kirimanku.
ReplyDeleteArrrgggg.... koq nyerah sih? ayo dong... mana Sherly yang aku kenal itu????????
Wah, cepet sembuh ya sher...heheh....keliatannya isinya bener2 berkesan tuch...:))) ya moga2 bisa sembuh dengan melihat isi parselnya...;p
ReplyDeleteduh.. cepet sembuh ya jeng.. mwa mwa..
ReplyDeletewaduh.....sherly kok barengan sih sakitnya hehehehe....ayo cepet sembuh yach sist...banyak istirahat n banyak makan juga biar bisa ngelawan sakitnya ok.GBU sist;
ReplyDeletebanyak2 istirahat yah Nie, semoga lekas sembuh
ReplyDeletewHuaaa...Ndil itu nama ejekanku:D hehee..ga usah terlalu dipikirin Sher. Emang dia anaknya kayak gitu, suka bikin pusing *apa seh, ga nyambung*. Cepet cembuhlah cepet cembuh yahhhhhh
ReplyDeletecepet sembuh sher...
ReplyDeletemasak dapat parcel dan kartu ucapan malah sakit? ;)
harusnya parcelnya bikin semangat senyum ;)
cepetan sembuh yaaaaaa
Sher, gimana kabarnya sekarang..? mudah²an dah baikan yaaa... jgn terlalu sering begadang.. kalo pun terpaksa bantu ama minum vitamin supaya ngga sakit...
ReplyDeletetake care ya sist *hugs* pstt, btw dpt parcel apa nih..?? *mau tau ajaaa deh :P*
alo Sher, ternyata kmu ganti blog to, pantesan aku buka blogmu yg lama gak bisa2...klo' gini kan daku jd sering mampir, sapa tau ada makanan nganggur..hehehehehee...
ReplyDeletemet ultah Sher, smoga panjang umur, sehat slalu, bnyk rezeki dan cepet lulus kuliahnya...*sory klo' telat ngomongnya*...
smoga sakitnya cepet sembuh...
sher istirahat yg cukup, jgan lupa minum obat *ngomong gaya dokter* hehehhe.. hayoo olah raga
ReplyDeleteget well soon sher!! try taking some good rest ..