And... try again!

I failed my test today, just because of this ONE stupid and serious mistake. I was so close to passing that I am super annoyed with myself. Even my instructor who went along with me, he was in denial that I failed.

But yeah... I'm trying again in 2 weeks time. And I know this time I'll make it right! I can drive as good as any other drivers out there. If today proved anything, it proved that I CAN drive; I am a driver not a learner any more.

Thanks God that I have to go through these to get myself aware of things that are dangerous for me. Thanks God for supportive husband and awesome instructor, Sean!

Thanks God for loving me.


  1. jangan patah semangat ya, say....jia you!!

  2. susah banget ya sher ujian disana, gpp coba lagi yah! :)

  3. wow, tes disana kayanya susah amit yah. Dan petugasnya bener2 strict sama aturan tuh...


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