I *heart* sushi!

I am sure I'm not the only one, but I have to say, I love love love sushi, especially if they are fresh... *mmm...* That makes me miss Sushi Tei. Did you know how excited I was when Sushi Tei opened up in Bali? Very! LOL! Too bad I can't pay a visit very often, since I'm here. What's more I love about it is that my parents would pay for it *LOL* If we go eat sushi here in Liverpool, we either have to have a pretty good voucher to use (at least 40% off) or it's an event worth to celebrate. *sigh*

I really hope this student life does not last long...

P.s. And I hope the broken heater is fixed soon! It's really horrible to be sitting in a freezing cold toilet! *Grrr!*


  1. sushi di sana mahal ya sher?

    PS. wah belum bener juga heaternya? moga2 segera bener ya... beli heater portable aja untuk sementara...

  2. sayang sekali aku ga doyan sushi
    maren wkt ke bali liat Sushi Tei disana , kl ga salah by pass Ngurah Rai . hehe

  3. sama dengan veny... aku ga suka sushi... hehe :)

  4. eh gua minggu lalu baru makan sushi tei sher hihihi.. kenyaaang banget ampe eneg..

  5. Sama...! Tapi masalahnya di kotaku nggak ada resto sushi. :((


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