A Surprise Party...

Well well well... I had a great birthday (even though I still feel that it is not complete yet, since someone forgot his promise *sob*).
Remember that I was going to go to my friend's place to fix her computer?! (read the previous post) Well, I was actually being set up *hahahaha...* They planned a surprise party. Gilaaa... ampir copot jantungku pas mereka teriak "Surpriseeeeeee!!!!!!" Untung aja jantungku masih kuat-kuat ajah *grins*
It was very very nice, there were 9 of us including me. 4 other Indonesians and 4 of them from different parts of the world. They cooked me delicious meals; soto ayam, nasi uduk, ayam goreng, sushi dan perkedel. Wahhhh... aku bener-bener kenyanggg bangettt. Bener-bener 4 jempol untuk para koki-kokinya.
They sang me 'happy birthday' and gave me a chocolate birthday cake. *That was the second surprise, by the way!* What happened was... I went to the toilet and when I was walking back to the living room, it was so quiet *Oh oh, what is going on again?!* Then I went in there, the room was dark. They sang and I saw a cake with a candle there. Ugghhh... aku terharu bangettt!!!
They gave me a Teddy Bigfoot. Awww... so cutee (Kalo mau liat, klik di website itu, pilih product, trus yg dikasih itu yang Teddy Bigfoot in a box.)

Trus.... Ini nih bagian yang sebenernya lebih baik tidak diceritakan, tapi justru yang seru juga *grins* Ceritanya nih... aku sebelumnya itu dikasih a bottle of red wine sama temen-temen kampus. Trus abis gitu, pas di party itu, one of the Indo boys, gave me a bottle of rose wine. Jadi, ada 2 botol neh.
Let the game begins... *hahaha...* Yap yap... kita abis dinner, maen games. Pertama maen 'kertas gunting batu'. Jadi ceritanya, aku harus ngelawan orang 8, yang kalah harus makan one sushi *that was the starter... gile, padahal aku kenyaaanggg minta ampun* Trus, sampe separuh jalan, sushi diganti one shot of red wine. Alhasil, semaleman, maen segala macam games, I lost 14 times!!! *sob sob* So, I had 11 shots of red/rose wine and 3 shots of Jack Daniel (yang datengnya rada telat).
Aku bener-bener dikerjain, masa bisa kalah 3 in a row, jadi nenggak JDnya 3 shots sekaligus. Abis itu langsung KO dah... Hahahaha...
Gak mabok sihhhh... cuma mata jadi berat, bawaannya pengen tidurrr. Tapi sama anak-anak kaga boleh tidur "you are the birthday girl", that's what they said all the time. Hehehe...
Tapi akhirnya, aku digiring juga ke kamar temenku, I slept on her bed and ended up not going home for the night. But then it was too late, I could not slept the whole night *hahaha...*

Subuh subuh... jam 4 jam 5 an, aku dapet sms dari Papi.
"Pesta dimana nih kemaren?!"
"Dapet surprise party dari Viona dan anak-anak yang laen."
"Kamu makan apa? Minum wine atau whisky yaaa?" *Ooopsss... how did he know?!*
"Iya, koq tau?! Hehehe... cece minum red wine and whisky. Dimasakin... (spt yg sudah kusebutin di atas)"
At that point, I was a bit worried that he might react negatively. But...
"Ya asal tetep jaga diri. Boleh minum tapi jangan sampe berlebihan, harus tahu kapan berhenti." *fiuhhh....*

So here I am posting my 'wild' night, hehehe... I still feel my stomach is funny. I don't feel like eating, but my head is okay though... no headache or anything bad. Foto-fotonya menyusul segera, kalo fotonya sudah dikirim ke aku sama mereka-mereka. Aku kan kaga bawa kamera, lha wong aku gak tau kalo bakal dapet party :D
Hehehe... It was a nice and sweet birthday.

Thank you for everyone, who has said 'happy birthday' to me. Untuk Princess Lidya yang sudah kirim care enough to send a b'day card, untuk Ipone yang panda gembelnya on the way, untuk Tante Kade yang sending something on the way dan untuk Ito Rein yang ngirim adda ajah yang bikin aku curious banget... Juga teman-teman lain yang so caring untuk ngirimin SMS ucapan ultah. Thank you so much, friends!
Oh ya, juga untuk Papi, untuk ngebayarin biaya perbaikan laptop sebagai hadiah ultahku.
Ah... I am twenty now!!!


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