Welcome Back!!!

Finally, my laptop arrived back to me today. I am so so so happy!!! Webcamnya juga sudah bener *sudah ditest :p* Kata Ito sih yang sekarang malah lebih jernih gambarnya, padahal dulupun jernih banget gambarnya... lain banget sama webcam-webcam lain yang pernah aku pake.
So... I am happy today! Selain itu, tadi sempet dipuji ama dosen, karena kali ini bikin programnya spotless alias successful alias kaga ada error. Cuma ngerinya abis gitu topic soal 'oral presentation' dimulai. Yaik... 25 minutes of oral presentation by myself.
Gitu lho ya dosennya malah tanya: "Is that a long time or a short time for you!?"
I answered: "Off course a longgg time for me!"
He said: "No!! Actually, that is a short time time for you. Remember, you have to do a big introduction since not many people know about epidemic. So thinking about it, you will need at least 10 minutes doing the introduction. See... it is a short time."

Okay lah pak dosen, terserah apa kata ente... Huhuhu... We'll see when the time comes.

Tomorrow, I am going to Manchester with my friend, Sarah. Mau jalan-jalan nih ceritanya, hehehe... jam 11 siang brangkat, jam 5 mestinya sudah balik di Liverpool. So... hopefully, tomorrow is a bright day. I can't stand walking around in rain *sobs*
Okay everyone! Take care!!!
I am soo happyyyy!!!


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