
Hari ini aku senang tapi capek... Aku dapet buku Gulliver's Travels sebagai hadiah ultah from my Hungarian friend. I was just thinking over several days to buy a book to read *since it's been a long time for me not to read a book.* I don't know what it's all about yet, but I think it is good. Hehehe...

And today, I went to Manchester as I have said. Despiting the rain, it was nice to go back to Manchester again. So, we departed at 11 a.m. and arrived around 12. We were a bit lost since I was having a difficulty to get a grasp which side of city centre we were in *and my friend, it was the first time she went to Manchester!*
Then... after going round a bit, we went to Wagamama Restaurant. My favourite restaurant in Manchester. I had a bowl of Wagamama Ramen *Yummmm...*

Afterwards, we went around the city centre again and took several photos. You can view it .:here:.. Then, we went to a superstore called Selfridges and I bought a box of Leonidas chocolates! I have not opened it yet though... since I still have some other chocolates from my friends from my birthday.

Okay then everybody! It's already Wednesday... soon it's friday again... Time flies... God bless!

Harus brapa lama aku menunggumu? Aku menunggumu... - Chrisye ft. Peter Pan -


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