Saturday!! Please come QUICKLY!!!

Ayooo Sabttuuuuu... aku sudah gak sabar neh!!! Kemaren aku pergi ke Dormitoryku. Nemuin managernya untuk ngembaliin payment form, trus aku tanya apa aku boleh kembali hari sabtu?! (satu hari lebih cepet) trus dia bilang, "Okay, no problem! After all you are an International student!"
Yipeeee... So I paid the rent for this month to my friend's husband and asked him to take me back to dorm on saturday and help me to bring all my stuff in the storage room to my room. And, there was no way to say 'no' for him, really... After all, he is a nice person. But my friend, she said: "why don't you ask the porter to help?"
$%^&**%$ Maksudnya?! Kalo porternya mau bantuin aku, ngapain juga aku minta tolong suaminya?! tulul ah!! Kesannya gimana gitu, nanya gak pake ngeliat ke aku pula, kayak tanya sama manusia nun jauh disana aje. Huh... nyebelin deh lama-lama.
Anyway... Saturday, please hurry up and come!
By the way, Autumn has started now in UK (well, at least in Liverpool!). Ternyata autumnnya nyebelin banget!!! Tadi pagi, aku abis cuci rambut, trus berangkat ke perpus, gile bener... kayak hujan badaiiii... Badan dah kering, sampe basah kuyup, kayak abis mandi lagiiiiii!!! Padahal sudah pake payung lhooo!!! Anginnya bokkk gak tahannnnn, kuenceng banget. Sampe perpus, aku kayak mobil yang baru aja keluar dari autowash tanpa pengering. Basah kuyup kayak ikan abis keluar dari akuarium. Gile dah... England england... one thing that I hate about you; THE WEATHER!!!


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