
Showing posts from 2004

Before I Go Away...

Farewell for awhile, my friends. I am going home tomorrow (On The Christmas' Eve) and will arrive at home sweet home on 26th December 2004 to have a 2-weeks holiday at home. The experience of getting a seat on the plane during this peak season has been a miracle from The Lord for me. I feel greatly and deeply blessed by Him. I also feel fortunate to have my family, who helped and encouraged me to not give up and to convince me that I WILL go home. And here I am... Several hours and I'll be on the plane. God knows how happy I am that I will be home soon! It is a great great joy. And so, due to a short holiday that I have at home, I will try to enjoy myself with my family as much as I can. Therefore, I won't update my blog for awhile (I might still check and reply the shoutbox.) For everyone: Have a good celebration of the end of the year. God bless you and the new year coming for you abundantly! *cheers* Also, thank you for all whom have prayed for me regarding the ticket....


Long time no posting here... I have been busy going around to eat at different places with different friends for these several days. This is the time when eating once a day is enough *huff...* I actually feel so so full right now. My friends really fed me well, no matter whom I go to. I feel so blessed with that! Thank God for blessing me with all delicious food. It is like The Lord is helping me to regain my strength to be ready for the exams and the last semester of my Bachelor during this holiday. He knows that I have not been eating properly and much during last semester. Hehehe... Well, another thing that excites me. There is a possibility of me going home this week! It is a MAD MAD plan really! But! Nothing is impossible! My dad's persistence of me going home this holiday is beyond of what I expected of him. He is trying and trying every way so that I can be home as soon as possible. And so please pray for me, so that I can get a ticket this season to go home. I miss h...

Almost Christmas...

Ahhh... finally the holiday is here! Oh well, this week, I haven't got much to do really. I feel so relax... Thank God that project has finished! What left are 3 exams on 12th, 17th and 18th of January 2005 (next year!) and the final marks for them all (3 exams and the project). I am hoping and trying my best to get as good as it possibly can. That's all I can do really. Right now, there is no plan yet what I am going to do for Christmas and New Year's Eve in particular. My friends and I are having a 'end of year' dinner together at one of my friends' place this Saturday. I am planning to cook Soto Ayam for them. *Well, I was thinking about making Gulai Kambing, but then... not all people like lamb. So I thought it's better to stay general. Chicken, most people eat it, I won't have any problem with that.* Then, on Sunday, I am going to my church's Christmas Carol. Hopefully, I'll have fun. I had finished giving all the Christmas presents today...

One Day in The Chocolate Shop

As I was trying to sit on one of the high chairs, one lady stared at me... "Odd... in a weather as cold as this, this Asian girl is eating a cone of ice cream?!" , that's probably what she thought of me, since she didn't stop staring at me until the time she left the shop. I have been carving for an ice cream several days, and so, I had an ice cream. I felt a bit misplaced by the way she stared at me, but the feeling quickly faded and replaced by a thought of many things as I stared out of the window... The shop is located in the middle between a train station and a big shopping centre. It serves some hot beverages, cakes, ice creams and chocolates. Whether people wants to just enjoy something warm or pop in for a gift (chocolate is handy for a gift, you know.), it is there to satisfy its customers with nice and friendly staffs. However, it was not that which fascinated me. I saw people... I saw couples holding hands and often kissing lightly. They looked ha...

Rest and Relax

Fiuhhh... Life seems to be more relaxed now... After the hard and busy weeks; Running here and there, thinking there are not enough time to do everything that I have to do, and not forgetting how I always dreamt about assignments and other homeworks every single night. Now I have time to sit and actually do nothing (read: bengong) *huhuhu...* Yep yep... the project is finished now. And the last homeworks were due this week, so next week there will be no homeworks. Some lectures have already finished, so then I don't spend as much time as usual in Uni. It is good, though, I can rest now. All left is the tiredness; I feel exhausted after all of those hard works. Hopefully, it will pay off with good marks. *grins* Tomorrow, I am going to the cinema with two of my friends, to watch The Incredibles . I didn't watch Bridget Jone's Diary 2, since I didn't have time and my other friends have watched it. So, I thought, it's better to watch The Incredibles. Next week is...

What Did I Do Today?

Today, I went to Uni thinking that I have a lecture at 10 a.m as usual. Fighting with my sleepiness, I went there on-time and what I found?! No lecture! Oh well... It is rather annoying. I knew that the course is finished but I was hoping that the lecturer will give us revision, but nope, he didn't. Afterwards, I went to the library to borrow a book. I ended up have to reserve the book since all of the books of the same title are on loan. Then I went to Blackwell's bookshop just to wander around. Drawing near to the cards section, it came to think about my Mom. It is my habit to send cards on everyone's birthday in my family. And yes, my Mom's birthday is coming near, 2 days after the New Year's Eve. I almost forgot that since I was so busy with everything in Uni. Thank God, He reminded me. Then, I was confused when calculating how old she would be next year... hahaha... I am doing Maths but I couldn't count *silly me* Ah... years really go quickly... ...

Deeply Touched...

Oh... I feel so relieved now... I have passed the presentation. It went very well eventhough I was actually feeling awfully awful a couple of hours before the presentation. Thanks to my family and my friends, who had given me their continuous supports throughout the day and also every day. Especially my family; my Mom & Dad, also my brother . They were so great... Eventhough they are miles away from me, but I could actually feel the support they were giving me every second of the time. They prayed, they encouraged, they convinced me that I can do it WITH GOD! Thank you, Lord, for giving me a great family! I am so so thankful for them and thankful for Your guidance throughout the presentation. I know, Lord, that without Your Presence there, I would not bear a minute standing in front of those lecturers and my friends. Thank you so much! May Your Name be glorified through the works that You give me the opportunity to do it. Amen. "I care deeply about you. I pray for you constan...

On My Thoughts...

Panah Asmara By. Chrisye feat. Tohpati Berdebar rasa didada setiap kau tatap mataku Apakah arti pandangan itu menunjukkan hasratmu Sungguh aku t'lah tergoda saat kau dekat denganku Hanya kau yang membuatku begini Melepas panah asmara Reff: Sudah katakan cinta sudah kubilang sayang Namun kau hanya diam tersenyum padaku Kau buat aku bimbang Kau buat aku gelisah Ingin rasanya kau jadi milikku Ku akan setia menanti satu kata yang terucap Dari isi hati sanubarimu yang membuatku bahagia Sungguh aku t'lah tergoda saat kau dekat denganku Hanya kau yang membuatku begini Melepas panah asmara Dari pertama kali aku denger lagu ini, aku langsung merenung sejenak akan masa lalu dan tersenyum... Kenangan indah itu... ----- So... my life... I have been extremely busy last week and I am going to be busy again this week... Oh God... I can't wait for 17 December any longer... My holiday, my rest... The time I stop to do all that I have to do for a ...


Friday is coming... The words are out on the streets... "I am going home this weekend! I can't wait!" And the conversation goes on... From one person to another... All I can do is listening to their excitement... "I want to go home, too..." I whisper quietly in my heart... I wish I can... I wish my home is just like their homes... A home that can be reached easily during the weekends by trains or coaches... "Soon, your turn will come and you will know the true meaning of being home more than they do..." I comfort myself... 'Yes, being home for me will mean different for them.' Not just merely for saving my own money by asking my parents to buy my grocery and bringing it back with me on Sunday. Not just to ask my Mum to cook food for me then freeze it for a long term saving, so that I can save the hassle of cooking for myself. No... It is not the same! Being home... Is to enjoy and appreciate that I have the best Mom i...

Dearest to my heart...

If I were one of those leaves of a dandelion... I will certainly release myself and ask the winds to bring me to you... I miss you... Long way to go, dear... But I will certainly go that way, not that I have to, but I chose to... It has been decided since the first day... The day I said 'yes' to your question... It might took me some time to actually answer it... But now, it has been decided and I am not going back on my words... Not even when there are temptations that looks better when you are not around... I love you. I truly love you. Missing you here, dear... Waiting for the time I will see you again; your smiles, your eyes... And to hear your voice for real; your laughter, your jokes, your feelings... And to walk hand in hand with you... One day... I know and sure that day will surely come to us... At the perfect timing of His. I miss you, dear. I love you, dearest to my heart.


Halowww semuanyaaa... sudah Jumat lagi yah... Cepet banget hari-hari berlalu... Daku jadi serem sendiri... Tiga minggu lagi sudah liburan natal & tahun baru... trus 3 minggu kemudian aku mulai ujian akhir tahap pertama *sob sob sob* Oh iya... tujuan postingku kali ini, ini nih... sudah dapet sebagian foto pesta ultah kemaren. Yang sebagian lagi belum dapet, soalnya pas itu pake 3 kamera, nah ini baru dapet dari satu orang, yang dua orang lagi masih kucoba untuk menangkap *emang nyamuk?!* hahaha... So... Kalo mau liat, click .:here:. , enjoy yah!! Ada sebagian yang kaga diupload, huhuhu... soalnya tidak lulus sensor :p Nanti kalo sudah dapet yang lainnya, aku kasih tau deh kalian semua. Weekend ini pada ngapain yah? Hmmm... kalo aku menderita deh... Mesti duduk di depan laptop, bikin report yang harus at least 15 halaman... Uhuk uhuk... belom lagi bikin program tambahan yang dosennya bilang kurang ini kurang itu. Ditambah juga, mesti siap-siap untuk oral presentationku tanggal 6 De...


Hari ini aku senang tapi capek... Aku dapet buku Gulliver's Travels sebagai hadiah ultah from my Hungarian friend. I was just thinking over several days to buy a book to read *since it's been a long time for me not to read a book.* I don't know what it's all about yet, but I think it is good. Hehehe... And today, I went to Manchester as I have said. Despiting the rain, it was nice to go back to Manchester again. So, we departed at 11 a.m. and arrived around 12. We were a bit lost since I was having a difficulty to get a grasp which side of city centre we were in *and my friend, it was the first time she went to Manchester!* Then... after going round a bit, we went to Wagamama Restaurant . My favourite restaurant in Manchester. I had a bowl of Wagamama Ramen *Yummmm...* Afterwards, we went around the city centre again and took several photos. You can view it .:here:. . Then, we went to a superstore called Selfridges and I bought a box of Leonidas chocolates! I h...

Welcome Back!!!

Finally, my laptop arrived back to me today. I am so so so happy!!! Webcamnya juga sudah bener *sudah ditest :p* Kata Ito sih yang sekarang malah lebih jernih gambarnya, padahal dulupun jernih banget gambarnya... lain banget sama webcam-webcam lain yang pernah aku pake. So... I am happy today! Selain itu, tadi sempet dipuji ama dosen, karena kali ini bikin programnya spotless alias successful alias kaga ada error. Cuma ngerinya abis gitu topic soal 'oral presentation' dimulai. Yaik... 25 minutes of oral presentation by myself. Gitu lho ya dosennya malah tanya: "Is that a long time or a short time for you!?" I answered: "Off course a longgg time for me!" He said: "No!! Actually, that is a short time time for you. Remember, you have to do a big introduction since not many people know about epidemic. So thinking about it, you will need at least 10 minutes doing the introduction. See... it is a short time." Okay lah pak dosen, terserah apa kata ...

Friday? Monday? Tuesday? Wednesday?

Arrrrggghhhh.... Ini sama juga menghitung hari!!! *bedeh... ceritanya koq kayak saat-saat menghitung hari sebelum pulang gitu* Hiksss... sayangnya yang aku tunggu-tunggu tuh bukan hari kepulanganku, tetapi hari laptop kesayanganku kembali dari cutinya di Prancis *buset... enak amat cuti ke Prancis!!* Iyah neh... dari beberapa minggu lalu sampe sekarang itu laptop belum kembali-kembali dari tempat reparasi (read: France). Padahal sebenernya aku sudah fed up banget sama yang namanya komputer-komputer butut di computer room (Meskipun aku tetep bersyukur karena mereka exist di asrama ini, jadi aku bisa bikin tugas.). Minggu lalu aku telpon, mereka bilang: "Kalo ga Jumat pagi, ya Senin pagi sudah di sana." Lha... tadi aku cek pigeon hole dan juga list of the parcels recipients' kaga ada tuh namaku. Penasaran dehhh... jadinya telpon lagi ke sono... mereka bilang: "Sekarang sudah ada di shipping department. Jadi kayaknya besok siang atau Rabu sudah sampai." *grrr.....

A Surprise Party...

Well well well... I had a great birthday (even though I still feel that it is not complete yet, since someone forgot his promise *sob*). Remember that I was going to go to my friend's place to fix her computer?! (read the previous post) Well, I was actually being set up *hahahaha...* They planned a surprise party. Gilaaa... ampir copot jantungku pas mereka teriak "Surpriseeeeeee!!!!!!" Untung aja jantungku masih kuat-kuat ajah *grins* It was very very nice, there were 9 of us including me. 4 other Indonesians and 4 of them from different parts of the world. They cooked me delicious meals; soto ayam, nasi uduk, ayam goreng, sushi dan perkedel . Wahhhh... aku bener-bener kenyanggg bangettt. Bener-bener 4 jempol untuk para koki-kokinya. They sang me 'happy birthday' and gave me a chocolate birthday cake. *That was the second surprise, by the way!* What happened was... I went to the toilet and when I was walking back to the living room, it was so quiet *Oh oh, w...

My Birthday...

-My Birthday Prayer- My Father in Heaven... May it be as the time goes, You add into me... The Wisdom that only You can give, The Grace that only You can send, The Loving Kindness that no one but You have it perfect, And most of all... The Spirit of Yours, whom will teach me to be more and more like You. I thank You, Father... That You listen to my prayers and be with me all the time of my life, That You give to me according to what I need, not what I want, That You knit my life surrounded by my beloved parents, brothers, sisters and him, That You send precious friends from all over the world to remind me of Your love. May it be, Father... In my life, only Your and Your plan alone that will be done. That I may glorify Your Name in everything I do. Amen.

This Week...

I am pretty much booked up this week - Busy, eh?! Well, today (Monday, red.), I won't be home until at least 4.30 in the afternoon I would say. I have some things to sort out and a meeting to go to *hopefully, it won't be longer than 30 minutes* Tomorrow , lectures from 11.00 to 14.00 straight and there is a possibility that I am going to the cinema in the afternoon with my friends to watch Bridget Jone's Diary - The Edge of Reasoning. Well, I watched the first one and it was funny. I don't know about this one though... I am not really excited about the thought of going to watch it... I might not come after all, just simply because I have other more useful things to do at home. Wednesday seems to be an easy day *prayfully*. Only one hour lecture in the morning and then nothing until the afternoon. I might go to the library to search for books on optical illusions *I have to write essay on that -sigh...-* In the afternoon, I am going to have a dinner with a friend (...

Dunia itu sempit yah...

"Kamu ternyata kenal yovita toh, say?" "Hue? Yovita siapa?" "Atmadjaja" "Ooo itu... kenal, sesama blogger. Emang kamu kenal say?" "Anak milis G*** itu. Coba deh tanya dari gereja mana dia..." Itu salah satu topik percakapanku dengan si Oen-Oen tadi pagi. Dengan penasaranku, aku langsung tanya sama yang bersangkutan di Y!M. (Pertamanya lewat shoutbox dulu sih. Dianya penasaran koq aku bisa tau dia pergi ke gereja mana...) Eh, ternyata bener ajah... Trus, aku tanya si Vi3, "Kenal yang namanya Oen-Oen gak?" "Kenal sekedar chat ajah... Pacarnya Sherly yaaaaa?" *Waduh... ditodong gini, mana bisa bohong coba? :p Bisanya cuma mengakui dengan malu...* Ternyata ternyata... dunia ini bener-bener sempit dan kecil. Secara tidak kita ketahui, ternyata orang yang kita tahu itu, juga tahu orang lain yang kita ketahui. Kalo dipikir-pikir, semua orang itu berhubungan satu dengan yang lainnya tanpa kita selalu sadari...

I Want to Go Home...

I have been saying that sentence so many times lately. Over this week, I have been really homesick... My brother is flying home for good from Australia tomorrow and won't be leaving home until September next year to come along with me here. So he will be having a full 9-months holiday at home, how nice... I want to be at home... I want to feel the togetherness of my family again... Now that both I and my brother studying abroad, we don't have much time to gather together as a whole family. I don't know... It is just this week that I feel emotionally homesick . I heard English people on the bus saying that they are going home on Friday for the weekend. I wish... I really wish my home is also not a great distance from where I am right now. I will not be going home until July next year, which means: I will be alone this Christmas & will be alone again in Easter. I suppose, no matter how much I am used to living by myself, there are times when I really feel so homesic...

Quiet Weekend

Well, since people are asking how was my weekend, I might just post about my weekend. Hmmm... I haven't done much really... On Saturday, I woke up late around 11 am, cooked some fried nodles with some chicken and veggies. It was nice. Then I spent almost the whole day trying to figure out what my supervisor asked me to do for my maths assignment. Well, it almost made me blown up since it sounded so impossible to do whatever he asked me to do. So I thought, "Well, maybe I am just too tired. Let's stop and do it tomorrow." Hence, I went back to my room from the computer room, had my dinner and did a little bit of cross-stitching before I actually went to bed. I brought the cross-stitch pattern and materials from home. Mum bought it for me. I enjoy doing it, even though it does take ages for me to do one (when others can do it quicker than me :p). It is because I do it when I feel like doing it and when I actually have time to do it! However, I love it! I have been d...

Blessed Weekend, Everyone...

Hallo semua yang sudah mampir ke blogku ini dengan setia dan ngasih semangat untuk ngerjain tugasku. Akhirnya tugas programmingku kelar juga, program beserta reportnya sudah selesai... Puji Tuhann... Maaf banget kalo akhir-akhir ini jarang banget blogwalking. Soalnya, tugas tetep masih setumpuk. Emang kalo ga ada laptop itu susah banget... Hiks... I miss my laptop. Anyway, I just want to say: "Have a blessed weekend everyone!!! God Bless You all!" *Cheers*

Ambil semua kuncinya ,TUHAN... (Buah Pelayanan)

ALLAH tidak begitu peduli dgn kemampuan anda tetapi seberapa besar kesediaan anda. Dr. F. B. Meyer sampai pada waktu transisi yang penting dalam pelayanannya. Dia duduk dengan sedih di ruang belajarnya. "Pelayanan saya tidak berbuah dan saya merasa kehilangan kuasa rohani,"ujarnya kepada diri sendiri. Tiba-tiba KRISTUS muncul dan berdiri di depannya. "Berikan kepada-KU semua kunci hidupmu," ujar KRISTUS. Pengalaman itu begitu nyata sehingga dia merogah sakunya dan menyerahkan serenteng kunci! "Apakah semua kuncimu ada di sini?" "Ya TUHAN, itulah semua kunci saya kecuali satu kunci ruangan kecil di dalam hidup saya ." KRISTUS berkata ,"Jika kamu tidak bisa mempercayai-Ku dalam semua ruang hidupmu, Aku tidak bisa menerima kunci-kunci ini." Dr. Meyer begitu diliputi oleh perasaan bahwa KRISTUS keluar dari hidupnya karena dia tidak mau menyerahkan semua hidupnya. Sehingga akhirnya dia berteriak, "Kembalilah, Tuhan! Dan am...


Hari ini: Hari Senin: Hari pertama bulan November: Hari... *Iyah-iyah sher, kaga usah ngejabarin hari, semua orang juga udah tau kooqqq* (Oops... maap saya lagi ngelantur hihihi...) Otak lagi stress bin bingung. Computer assignment yang mesti dikumpulin hari Jumat itu belum kelar juga *Aarrghhh - panic mode ON* Selalu aja dapet error message, kalo gak, gambar yang mestinya ditampilin, kaga keluar sama sekali. Rasanya pingin kubanting tuh kompi, tapi bukan salah kompinya dink... Salah otak gw. Gak tau deh napa, kali ini kaga nyantol sama sekali segala macem pendidikan yang aku baca. Kinerja otak menurun kali yak?! Huhuhu... dasar sherly, bikin alesan aneh-aneh pula. Ya... sekarang minta bantuan Oen-Oen deh... Semoga dia bisa bantuin, soalnya mesti cepet nyelesaiin biar bisa bikin reportnya. Tobat deh tobattt... otakku kagak jalannnnnn... Hiks... Mana capek banget lagi, ini badan ringsek rasanya... dari jam 9 pagi sampe jam 7 sore berkutat di kampus. Bobolah bobo sherlyku sayang......


Akhirnya, diambil juga VAIOku tadi siang... Kubela-belain nyegat tuh truk DHL di tengah jalan *cuek mode on beneran dah...*. Sesudah itu rasanya legaaa banget... mana tugas juga ada yang sudah bisa dibilang tuntas. Sisa tugas programming yang benernya ngerjainnya the last minute banget karena baru bisa dimulai nanti hari Senin dan harus sudah disubmit hari Jumat sore paling lambat *glek!* Tapi ya... optimis!!! Harus optimis atuhhhh... ^^ Maagku sudah ga separah kemaren *fiuh...* tapi kadang-kadang rasa sakit masih datang menyembul dengan tiba-tiba. Ya gak apa-apa deh, asal gak constantly in pain ajah aku sudah bersyukur banget! Ah... weekend sudah tiba!!! Kaga ada laptop, kamar jadi sunyi senyap, bawaannya jadi pingin istirahat mulu deh (baca: tidur, hihihi...). Tapi biar begitu, aku sudah kangen sama laptopku... Hiks hiks... semoga cepat kembali oh laptopku sayang... *kayak apa aja aku ini yah?!* Anyway, yang jelas efeknya, aku bakal lebih jarang online. Lebih banyak istirahat I ...

Maagku kambuhhhh...

Ugghhh... sial benerrrr!! Hari ini, bangun pagi-pagi, mata rasanya masih lengket ket ket, tapi ya udah terlanjur janji bakal nungguin DHL antara jam 9-10 pagi di depan hall, jadi ya mau gak mau harus bangun. Akhirnya aku nungguin deh di depan situ sejam-an... Koq belum dateng yah DHL truknya?! Nah lho, mana sudah telat lagi untuk masuk kelas (Aku ada kelas dari jam 10.00-12.00 non-stop pagi itu, belum termasuk siangnya). Akhirnya, aku telpon deh ke DHL, ternyataaaa... supirnya ada problem sampe-sampe kaga bisa ambil barangnya pagi itu *ughhh... sebel kaga tuhhh!!* Urus sana-sini, ternyata si supir cuma bisa ambil VAIO-ku antara jam 1 sampe jam 3 siang... Lha... aku kaga bisa, aku ada lectures... Yah akhirnya mohon-mohon sama porter di Hall untuk mau ngejagain barangku sampe ntar dijemput. (Biasanya tuh mereka ga boleh/tidak diijinkan untuk menerima penitipan barang.) Untungnya, tuh porter mau. *Aku bilang it is really really urgent* Ya sudah deh, udah beres, baru aku berangkat naek bis...


Sekarang ini... aku lagi curious banget... sudah jam 4.30 pm, tapi koq DHL yang mau jemput laptopku belum dateng yah? Katanya sih penjemputannya antara jam 9 pagi sampe jam 5.30 pagi. Tapi aku emang bener-bener curious... dah bela-belain seharian stand by di kamar - cepet2 pulang begitu kuliah selesai. Tapi yang ditungguin malah gak datang-datang... Ughh... Nyebelin dah kalo gini. Mbok ya cepetan dateng gitu lhoo, biar aku bisa lega. Ya Tuhan, cepetin donk tuh orang yang mau jemput... Update: Ternyata DHL sama sekali kaga dateng hari ini... Yah sudah... telpon VAIO, telpon DHL, kalang kabut gak karuan... Besok bakal diambil pagi-pagi. Awas yah tuh DHL kalo kaga diambil besok!!! Bisa kuomelin abis! By the way, ganti layout neh... Rencana sih baru ntar pas ultah mau ganti. Tapi berhubung laptop mau minggat, ya... dicepetin lah! :) God bless all!

Long-distance Relationships

Lately, I found the same phenomenon happened to some of my friends. It is about their relationships with their girlfriends . Yes, some of the boys told me about how irritating it is when they were being 'tested' by their girlfriends. Well, all of them are basically have gone through the same process. They are all in long-distance relationships (LDRs) (even though they are still in the same country, but different cities). You know how nowadays LDR couples communicate through the Internet and SMS . What the girls did was... Pretending to be someone else (another girl!) on the Internet (or they even bought a new SIM card and SMS their boyfriends with the new numbers) and try to 'catch' the boys with the accusation that they are too easy-going with other girls or even saying that the boys are playboys ! I don't know what you would comment towards this, but for me, it is rather IRRITATING (even if it was done by my fellow creatures-females). I found it so childish ...

Dipake & Resep

Uhum... Hari ini sudah feeling better , meskipun tenggorokan kadang masih gatel & perih juga. Cuma ya itu... sudah tiga hari ini gak bisa tidur! * Insomnia?! Who knows!* Tapi setidaknya level penyakitku kali ini gak parah, skalipun sempat bikin kepala mau pecah rasanya... Pernah gak kalian-kalian ngerasa "being used"? Aku sudah berkali-kali sih... tapi yang terakhir itu kemaren malem - atau bisa dikatakan semenjak semester 5 ini dimulai. Yang bersangkutan ya itu tuh, temenku si M yang dulu tempatnya aku tinggalin selama musim panas. Kemaren malem, kerjaanku numpuk. Mainly ada 2 sih, tapi dua-duanya butuh waktu yang relatif lama untuk ngerjain setiap soalnya. Jadi kemaren, di MSN, aku set status "Busy". Memang sih aku di depan laptop, tapi kalo sudah ngerjain tugas mana utak-atik laptop coba?! Lha kalo salah itung kan berabe... mesti ngitung ulang lagi, mana kepalaku juga kadang-kadang masih pusing-pusing gitu. Trus dia pm aku: "Sherly, are you there?...


Sebel! Sebel! Sebel! Akhirnya ambruk juga ketahanan tubuhku... Kemaren tiba-tiba pulang kuliah, kepalaku pusing setengah mati, kayak mau pecah rasanya. Ditambah lagi... tenggorokan mulai gatel. Padahal 3 minggu ini aku sudah berhasil untuk tidak tertular penyakit-penyakit yang lagi menyebar di sekitarku - maklum, lagi pergantian musim, jadi manusia-manusia disini pada sakit semua. Eh... gak taunya aku ketularan juga sekarang, hiks hiks... Tadi malem gak bisa bobo, padahal sudah minum Aspirin tuh. Maunya tidur jam 10, eh baru berangkat ke alam mimpi jam 1-an. Bangun jam 7 pagi, aku putusin untuk pergi tidur lagi, toh kuliah baru jam 12. Cuma emang akhir-akhir ini ngebiasain bangun pagi terus. Akhirnya jam 9 aku paksain bangun deh. "Oh My God!! Tenggorokanku perihhhhh... Suaraku juga dari stereo jadi mono..." Ah... sebel sebel sebel!!! Moga-moga cepet pergi deh nih penyakit. Badanku rasanya sudah amburadul soalnya... Sakit semua. Hiks... Oh iya, ngebaca komentar soal Sop Mi...


Today, I woke up at 11 am, hehehe... mumpung sempet gitu lho bangun siang :p. Habis mandi, tiba-tiba waktu lagi utak-atik komputer, ada telpon dari 'unknown number' *nah lho, sapa nih?! - aku sudah panik begitu...* Gak taunya international call, dari si Ipan temenku di Bogor. Hehehe... sempet kaget juga, abisnya pertama aku kira telpon dari orang laen... (read: Oen-Oen... :p *ngarep bener yak?!*) 10 menit cuap-cuap di telpon, aku langsung masak... Hari ini kaga ada makanan, jadi ya mesti masak! Aku masak sop misua *ada yang familiar?! Anybody?* Misuanya bela-belain dibawain sama Mami dari Indo 2 kotak. Misua itu salah satu jenis mie yang exist di dunia ini... supaya gak dikira aku masak suami orang ajah (kan biasanya suami=misua :p). Sehabis masak, aku makan... perut sudah lapar... jadi yah, santaapppp. Enak lho!! *memuji masakan sendiri neh critanya wekekeke* Yang jelas weekend ini gak ngapa-ngapain deh. Si Oen-oen lagi away ke Sukabumi sampe Minggu sore, jadilah daku ben...

Dress SmarT

Hari ini, semua final year students dianjurkan untuk dress smart semua. Alesannya?! Hari ini ada Liverpool Graduate Fair , dimana well known companies pada nimbrung jadi satu untuk menarik perhatian para calon-calon graduate untuk pada apply job di company mereka. Jadi kita disuruh dress smart to impress the representatives of those companies. Ya sudah, diikutin ajah... Gak ada salahnya kan?! Huehehe... So, aku tadi pergi ke fair tersebut. Liat-liat, koq kebanyakan pada nyari manusia-manusia yang berotak dalam bidang finance, management, accounting, actuary. Lha... terus aku bisanya apply job kemana ini? *confused* Tapi ya sudah lah, muka tebel ajah. Tanya-tanya ada gak yang minat kira-kira nerima otak yang satu ini. Akhirnya, I found out that... in England, most of the companies will not process the work permit for us. Lha... trus piye?! Jadi kita disuruh ngurus sendiri, mereka cuma sisa nerima kerja kita doank. Terus kalo dipikir-pikir... apply work permit itu 7-8 bulan -an, belum ...


Kemaren, seperti yang sudah aku kasih tau sebelumnya, aku nonton Wimbledon . Yang maen si Kirsten Dunst & Paul Bettany . Menurutku filmnya bagus, it is a sweet and funny film. Filmnya 'enteng'; artinya yah... it's good for refreshing. Nice love story and it teaches several lessons of life. Ceritanya, hubungan si Peter Colt (Paul Bettany) & Lizzy (Kirsten Dunst) tuh dihalangi sama Papanya Lizzy, dengan alasan akan membuat si Lizzy gak fokus dengan pertandingan Wimbledon. Tapi akhirnya, Papanya nyerah juga pas si Peter ngaku di acara wawancara televisi, kalo dia tuh serius sayang sama si Lizzy dan krn Lizzy lah dia masih berusaha untuk menang di setiap pertandingannya di Wimbledon. Padahal nih, si Peter tuh rencananya sudah mau retired lain kata Wimbledon itu ajang pertandingan terakhirnya, jadi saat awal-awal pertandingan, dia sama sekali gak mikir untuk menangin satu pertandinganpun. Tapi akhirnya... dengan dukungan si Lizzy, dia malah jadi the winner. Itu satu pel...

Perasaan 'TUA'

Aku yakin semua orang dari semua kalangan umur pernah ngerasa tua banget pas mendekati masa-masa bertambah umurnya. Itu dia yang bikin aku mikir tadi siang... Aku lagi di kampus, berusaha ngerjain tugas untuk bikin visiting/business card pake Postscript dari mata kuliah computer yang aku ambil, eh... di tengah-tengah kesibukanku itu, tiba-tiba si Erwin ngajakin chatting. Waktu aku tanya-tanya soal ulang tahunnya dua hari yang lalu itu, dia tiba-tiba nyeletuk: "Huwahhh... Rasanya koq tuaaa bangettt sehhh aku iniii!!". Yaik!!! Aku langsung spontan ngejawab: "Kalo kamu umur segitu aja sudah ngerasa tua, apalagi cece (kakak perempuan, red.)?" Lalu dia tertawa. Tak lama kemudian, dia pamit mau tidur, ngantuk katanya. Tapi celetukan dia dan reaksi spontanku itu masih terbayang di pikiranku... Kemudian aku bergumam pada diriku sendiri: "Hmmm... beberapa minggu lagi aku sudah bertambah umur, rasanya belum siap. Rasanya baru kemaren aku berumur 15 tahun, kemanakah 5 tah...

Dapet Kiriman!!

Akhirnya... Kiriman dari Yulia, my best friend, yang aku tunggu-tunggu dari 2 minggu yang lalu sampe juga. Aku seneng bangettt. Benernya, kirimannya bagi orang mungkin biasa-biasa ajah yah... Tapi, buat aku berkesan banget deh dan artinya dalem banget. Aku sudah temenan deket sama dia hampir 6 tahun Natal nanti... Dia kirimin aku gantungan kunci dolphin sama 1 kaos , katanya buat tidur, plus surat 8 lembar panjangnya . Hehehe... Kedua barang tersebut adalah oleh-oleh dari Pulau Sepa dan Pulau Karimun, saat dia pergi ke sana untuk diving. Memang hobinya diving sih... Thank you banget yah, sistaaa!! You are the best! ^^ Oh iya, besok *tanggal 06 October 2004*, adikku si Erwin yang ada di Aussie bakal ultah yang ke 18. Happy Birthday for you, bro! I love you and miss you so much!!! God bless you! Btw, concerning my laptop, gak tau deh kapan bakal dipick up sama Sony service. Tapi tadi, pas aku telpon dan confirm about everything, katanya sih sekitar 5-10 working days. Jadi pal...

My Weekend

Beberapa hari ini lagi males banget untuk posting... Gak tau deh ya... Rasanya bete banget and sebel banget pas hari-hari Rabu, Kamis dan Jumat. Tapi Sabtu dan Minggu, my feeling started to get better, mungkin juga karena dapet kesempatan untuk ketemu Oen-Oen online and bisa denger suaranya yah?! Hehehe... Anyway, I am better now with myself and not being hard on myself anymore (well, at least for now.). Sekarang yang ada bawaannya pingin TIDURRRRR muluuuu.... Huehehehe *dasar tukang tidur, itu kata Oen-Oen :p* Lalu, hari Sabtu kemaren, daku ketemu sama seorang gadis dari Hungaria. Kebetulan minggu lalu itu aku liat di papan pengumuman di Porter's Lodge di hallku, kalo dia nyari teman orang Indonesia. So, I gave her a call. Namanya Adrien, anaknya easy-going banget deh. Aku comfy untuk ngobrol ama dia, bahkan baru kali ini deh aku pertama kali ketemu orang langsung ngobrol dari jam 5.30 sore sampe jam 1.30 pagi. Huahahaha... But I like her. Orangnya asik, pinter bahasa Indonesiany...


Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan Your name is... Your kiss is... erotic Your hugs are... to die for Your eyes... twinkle in the moonlight Your touch is... awakening my heart Your smell is... beautiful Your smile is... amazing Your love is... one of a kind Quiz created with MemeGen ! You're the color white. Sweet and virginal, you're seen as the purest of all the colors. Generally generous, and extremely caring, people see you as the happiest in the bunch. You're always talking and running around. You love pets, especially cats and dogs. And cleanliness--oh my gosh. You're a mix between a perfectionist and a neat-freak. (but that's okay. ^^). Besides that, you're painfully plain, and immature. However, aside from your plainess, you do love sugary foods. Like cake. What color are you? (Amazingly detailed & accurate--with pics!) brought to you by Quizilla Dua kuis ini daku comot dari blognya Rwita and juga si Flona . Iseng... Ngilan...

My Inside Thoughts...

For the past several days, I have been having rough feelings inside myself... I don't know what was and is still going on in my life nowadays, but it seems that nothing works the way it supposed to be. If I review everything for the day I left home in July, nothing has been easy on me. I feel like everything that I am doing or everything around me is just draining all of the energy I have (or even the energy I am trying to have.). I am annoyed... feel very annoyed and worried. The peak was 2 days ago, the webcam on my laptop did not work... Or rather... it worked but it only showed a black page. I panicked and from that time on, I can't handle all the frustation that I have been trying to deal within myself... Probably... it is not really about my webcam being broke, since I can still use my computer now (after I have to format the Windows twice, since in the first format *I don't know how* the computer got a trojan virus. That's why I reformat it.). Luckily enough,...

What A DAY!!

Okay, today was the first day I started my fifth semester. It supposed to be a relax and a light day, but it wasn't *sob sob sob* I woke up at 7 AM in the morning with a massive effort, and went out much early then the time I usually go out to catch the bus. And it was raining... (the rain is sort of like sprinkling down... you know... It made me wonder whether it was convinient to wear an umbrella or not, since... I was still wet even when I had the umbrella on top of my head. Annoyinggg!!!) So there I was, waiting for the bus, joining with the queue, which I can express as a train jam. I looked at my watch... 10 minutes passed already and I was still waiting for the bus. I thought to myself: "I am gonna be late; looking at this more-than-long queue and with the bus all full!!!" I am helpless and hopeless... Six buses passed the bus stop without any attempt of slowing down, they all were FULL!!!! Arrggghhh... It really got into my nerves!! 30 minutes later, I finally g...

Hiyaaa.... Kuliah dimulai lagiiii...

Iyah iyah... Hari senen sudah menjelannggg, itu berarti tahun ketiga dari kuliahku sudah dimulai. Semester 5 sekarang, gak kerasa banget dehhhh... Rasanya baru kemaren deh nyampe ke Liverpool pertama kali and ngerasa terasing banget. Masih inget juga pas dulu dua kali salah naek bus >. final year sih. Cuma ya ngerasa serem juga sih... Tahun kemaren aja (tahun kedua, red.) stressnya nggak ilang-ilang all year round. Kerjaannya bejibun banget, susahnya minta ampun pula. Sekarang mau masuk final year jadi menimbang-nimbang dan menebak-nebak apakah akan lebih buruk stressnya, ato malah lebih nyante?! God knows deh... Ya, bantuin doa yah temen-temen supaya daku bisa menjalani tahun terakhir kuliahku ini dengan sukses. Thanks before *grins* Satu hal yang daku worried soal besok adalah... Kagak bisa bangun pagiiiiii... Gile dah, hari pertama kuliah, malah dapet slot yang pagi jam 9!! Adohh... mana akhir-akhir ini bangunnya selalu sesudah jam 9 karena sering kecapekan. So... I have to...


Hari ini... daku capek capek capek!!! Rencana cuma berkunjung ke tempat seorang teman lalu pulang tidak lama setelah itu, malah gak kesampean. Jadinya malah abis bertandang ke rumah temen, eh... ditelpon temen satunya, ngasih tau kalo dia baru sampe dari Indo, ya sudah deh... jadi ketemu dia, nemenin dia ke sana kemari. Kakiku yang baru sembuh ini terasa lagi deh njaremnya... Huhuhu... memang bandel lah aku ini... Padahal diwanti-wanti sama mami untuk istirahat mumpung kuliah belum mulai, tapi yah... sudahlah gak apa. It's nice to catch up with a long-time-no-see friend, isn't it? Itung-itung, daripada aku di rumah terbengong-bengong, malah jadi depresi sendiri... Humm.. bukannya depresi gimana sih... tapi karena si Oen-oen lagi ada tugas pelayanan dari Gerejanya untuk ke Bali, aku jadi gak bisa chat sama dia, bawaannya kangen deh. So... to take my mind out of it, lebih baek menyibukkan diri dengan cara seperti itu, cuma ya... CAPEK itu yang nyebelin. huehuehue... Pulang da...

I am feeling better

Buat semua temen-temen yang sudah care bangett and concern sama otot-ototku yang sakit, makasih banyak yahhhhh. Sekarang aku sudah ngerasa lebih baek dan gak sesakit beberapa hari kemaren ini. Masih lah njarem dikit-dikit tapi kalo bergerak kerasa lebih leluasa dan ga setengah mati. Itu semua berkat counterpain and juga salonpas gel yang dibawain sama nyokap pas dulu berangkat ke UK. Hihihi... kesannya kayak tukang obat Indonesia yang hijrah ke UK. Hihihihi... Aku sebenernya bisa dibilang gak istirahat sama sekali, sekalipun aku mau. Selalu ada aja yang mesti dikerjain. Mesti bolak-balik ke kampus lah, ke bank lah, ke sana kemari deh kayak kereta api. Hihihi... Jadi, sekalipun in pain, mau gak mau harus dilakukan. Yah... itulah resiko kalo sendirian di negeri orang, apa-apa mesti harus bisa ngeberesin sendiri. Tapi yah... pelajaran berharga lah ya... :)

Quick Report

Bingung juga mau cerita gimana, tapi yang jelas, abis pindahan itu, badanku rasanya amburadul kaga karuan. Kerasanya otot-otot di bawah kulit ini pada membengkak semua, 'njarem' kalo kata Mamiku. Jalan sakit, duduk sakit, berdiri sakit, tidur sakit, hayah... lebih baek jadi patung aja yah?! Huahuahuahua... Terus terus, dari kemaren, kerjaanku cuma bolak-balik dari supermarket, beli grocery. Maklum, kaga bisa borong skaligus, tanganku lagi sakit banget jadi gak kuat ngangkat bawa berat-berat. Tadi aja beli beras 4 kg, tangan rasanya dah mo putus aja. Oh iya, sekarang koridor tempat aku tinggal sudah rame, sudah ada beberapa orang yang masuk & pindahan ke hall ini. So far, orang-orangnya seems nice. Yang lebih membahagiakan lage... tetangga sebelah kamarku dua-duanya cewek, so... I suppose bakal lebih pengertian dan gak seberisik cowok. Huehuehue... No offense lho buat cowok-cowok yang baca ini, tapi emang cowok Inggris tuh kebanyakan messy-nya setengah mati dan berisikkkkk...


Ada yang mau sukarela mijetin aku gak yah?! Huehuehuehue... Capek banget neh... Tapi seneng, soalnya sudah ada di kamar sendiri, gak usah pusing-pusing soal tuan rumah yang kaga ramah banget itu... Tadi aku nungguin sampe jam 2 siang (soalnya kata suaminya, dia bakal bantuin aku pindahan jam 2an), ehhh... gak taunya bilang: 'sorry I'm very tired, can you manage to move by yourself? We can get you a cab from the street.' What am I suppose to say, eh?! The only choice he gave me was to say 'yes'. Ugghhh... tapi ya sudahlah. Untungnya temenku itu masih nawarin untuk bawain koperku ke bawah and ngebantuin nyari taksi. Tau kan... weekend, city centre busynya minta ampuunnnn... Jadi yah, mesti clingak clinguk dulu cari taksi di tengah jalan. Jadilah baru sampe ke kamar ini mendekati jam 3 sore, rame bok jalanan... Trus, sampe kamar, langsung deh angkat-angkat barang dari gudang dan unpacking. Gile bener, ternyata bejibun barang gue *benernya sudah tau dari dulu, tapi tet...

Moving To My Own WORLD

Yippeeee... 24 jam lagi aku dah bakal pindahan balik ke kamarku tercinta, kamar yg sama dgn taon lalu. Huehuehuehue.... Seneng gitu lhooo... kayak ngedapetin my freedom again *at last...* Jadinya, bisa diprediksikan kalo besok sayah bakal sibuk bongkar-bongkar barang-barang dari koper dan kardus. Yang jelas kamar bakal berantakan untuk jam-jam pertama saya tiba disono. Tapi yah... semoga cepet deh ngerapiinnya. Hehehe... Sementara itu, aku lagi kangen berat sama si Oen-Oen (bacanya Un-Un, kalo ada yg wondering gimana bacanya :p). Soalnya, dia lagi ada tugas pelayanan dari gereja dia untuk ke Balikpapan. Berangkatnya hari Jumat (hari ini) jam 7 pagi waktu Jakarta dan baru balik ntar hari minggu, gak tau jam brapa deh. Tapi yah... tetep aja kangen, soalnya terakhir kali aku sempet ngobrol ama dia tuh tanggal 14 kemaren *itu hari apa yah?! huehuehuehue lupa neh :p* Jadi, bisa kebayang kan kangennya seberapa gede?! huehuehue.... Ya sudah lah, setidaknya besok ada kesibukan seharian unp...

decisions... decisions...

Hari ini daku ditanya sama temen dari Indo through MSN: "Itu offer from the professor, are you taking it or leaving it?" Hehehe... of course taking it donk... Alesan untuk leaving it tidak sekuat alasan untuk taking it. Hehehe... So, 'Yes, I am taking the offer since I am already halfway!' Benernya dah dari minggu lalu aku ngomong ke dosenku itu kalo aku pasti ngelanjutin kerjaan ini during the semester. Waktu aku ngomong gitu, gile bener keliatan banget bedanya tuh muka si dosen. He put on a HAPPY face (maklum, dia orang rusia, jadi modelnya rada serem gitu lah... :p). Ah... I am happy about it, udah dapet duit, dapet nilai pula (soalnya kerjaanku ini bakal dimasukin as a coursework), meskipun kerjaanku dah mulai masuk ke dalam sisi seramnya. Itungannya tambah rumit *resiko, tul gak?!* Perihal ke Canada juga... *I have to say sorry to kade first.* Kayaknya aku gak jadi nih ke Canada. Karena ternyata kalo mau do master degree in Computer Science in Canada it ta...